• 24.04.2013 Press release

    Fostering Youth Employment in Public Services: Time to act

    Brussels, 24/04/2013 Presenting today the results of the project “Fostering Youth Employment in Public Services”, jointly managed by the ETUC and the CEEP, the two partners highlighted the need to focus on this important issue for Europe’s future.
  • 22.04.2013 Press release

    28 April 2013 - World Day for Safety and Health at Work: The ETUC demands the adoption of an ambitious European strategy

    Brussels, 22/04/2013 The figures from the International Labour Organization are dramatic. Every day, 6,300 workers around the world die from the consequences of poor working conditions. In 5,500 of those cases, the victims suffer from diseases, and in particular cancers, caused by exposure to chemicals. Europe is far from exempt from this tragedy. The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work estimates that there are some 160,000 deaths per year.
  • 18.04.2013 Press release

    Transparency of social and environmental information: the ETUC considers that the Commission is taking the first step in the right direction

    Brussels, 18/04/2013 More than ten years after the Commission launched an initiative on ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’, (CSR), it is a fact that less than 10 per cent of Europe’s biggest businesses regularly publish environmental and social information in addition to their financial balance sheets. It is for this reason that, on 16 April, the Commission amended the accounting directives in order to oblige big companies to include a ‘non-financial’ part in their annual report.
  • 28.03.2013 Press release

    What hope that austerity can save the climate by 2030?

    Brussels, 28/03/2013 Already back in 2006, the Commission began their earlier Green Paper on energy policy with the following sentence: “There is an urgent need for investment.” The same document identified “Energy for growth and jobs in Europe” as the first of six priority areas.
  • 27.03.2013 Press release

    EU mandate in EU-US trade and investment negotiations: Transparency is essential

    Brussels, 27/03/2013 “The conclusions of the High Level Working Group on Jobs and Growth in February, set out proposals on regulatory compatibility and liberalisation, which will have enormous consequences for workers on both sides of the Atlantic”, stated Bernadette Ségol, ETUC General Secretary, “and yet the public is not privy to how the Commission or our governments will define the EU’s mandate. This is a huge challenge to democracy, and will not help engender public support for these negotiations.”
  • 26.03.2013 Press release

    ETUC reaffirms its support to the Tunisian General Labour Union

    Brussels, 26/03/2013 In his address, the Secretary General of the UGTT, Hussein Abassi, underlined the major challenges his country is confronted with in order to complete the fundamental democratic changes. UGTT will contribute to establish authentic democratic institutions and to work on a broad consensus, based on human rights and social justice.
  • 22.03.2013 Speech

    Speech given by Bernadette Ségol, ETUC General Secretary 35th GSEE Congress

    Alexandroupoli, 22/03/2013 Check against delivery Chair, Dear Friends, Thank you for giving me the opportunity to address your congress on behalf of the European trade union confederation. Your country, Greek citizens, Greek workers in recent years and recent months have been going through an extraordinary painful process. Cuts in wages, cuts in pensions, cuts in social provisions, attacks on industrial relations, on collective bargaining, selling of public assets, political uncertainty,
  • 19.03.2013 Press release

    Eurogroup: Sacrificing the savings of ordinary Cypriots is unfair

    Brussels, 19/03/2013 The ETUC protests against this unfair decision which is bound to have adverse consequences – not least a loss of confidence in Cypriot banks which will freeze credit for the real economy (investments, exports). Such a decision risks destroying economic activity and jobs in the long term.
  • 15.03.2013 Press release

    European Trade Union Action of 14 March 2013

    Brussels, 15/03/2013 During the European Summit on 14 and 15 March, 15 000 workers from several European countries gathered to urge European leaders to change course. - Press release on the European Summit: http://www.etuc.org/a/11002 - Photos : http://www.flickr.com/photos/etuc-ces/sets/72157632872557058/
  • 14.03.2013 Press release

    The European Council must respond to a social emergency

    Brussels, 14/03/2013 The announcement by the Council of December 2012 to the effect that the European authorities would endeavour to strengthen the social dimension of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), including social dialogue, for the Council in June gave rise to legitimate expectations among workers who, increasingly, are starting to think that Europe is part of the problem and not part of the solution.