Communication on the Social Dimension of the EMU "Social indicators must be binding" says ETUC

Brussels, 02/10/2013

The communication from the European Commission proposes five key indicators to prevent social imbalances in the EMU, which are supposed to serve as a “scoreboard” within the European semester system. The ETUC shares the objective of better coordination in the field of social and employment policies within the EMU, but deplores that the benchmark indicators – as they are proposed – would not result in a binding sanction mechanism similar to the ones existing for excessive imbalances macroeconomic procedure.

A recent European poll reveals that about 60% of citizens believe that there are better ways of solving the economic crisis than austerity. Only 5% said that austerity cuts delivered results. This is further evidence that austerity has failed. European leaders must change course. They could do it by seriously deepening the European social dimension, notably by allowing these social indicators to have a real and binding impact on economic policies. Unfortunately the way suggested by the Commission is too little” said Bernadette Ségol, ETUC General Secretary.

The ETUC agrees with the proposal of further involving social partners at both the EU and national level in the definition and implementation of policy recommendations during the European Semester. But this must be given concrete expression, especially in the many European countries where social dialogue is in reality ignored by the authorities.

- Gallup poll: