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keep out the far right
25.06.2024 Press release

Keep out the far right

Trade union leaders from across Europe are warning against letting in the anti-worker far right. 

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27.06.2024 Document

Esther Lynch: 5th Anniversary of the European Labour Authority

ELA Annual Conference
Speaking at its 2024 Annual Conference on 27 June, which marks the 5th anniversary of the European Labour Authority, Esther Lynch, General Secretary of the ETUC gave the following keynote speech on ‘Navigating Europe’s Labour Mobility Landscape:5 years of ELA and 30 years of EURES’: Dear Executive Director Boiangu, Commissioner Schmit and Deputy Prime Minister Dermagne and distinguished guests,
27.06.2024 Document

ETUC response to the Commission’s first-phase consultation of the European social partners on possible action in the area of telework and workers’ right to disconnect

On 30 April 2024, the European Commission presented the first-phase consultation of social partners under Article 154 TFEU on possible EU action in the area of telework and workers' right to disconnect. The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) expressly welcomes the Commission's initiative and is pleased to answer the three consultation questions below.
22.06.2024 Document

Open letter to European Council on the Strategic Agenda 2024-2029

European Council
Dear President Michel, I am contacting you regarding the ongoing discussions on the EU Strategic Agenda 2024-2029 and in view of the European Council meeting on 27/28 June. The ETUC is concerned that – according to the information received – the draft of the Strategic Agenda still does not include the necessary focus on the improvement of the situation for working people, their families and communities.
21.06.2024 Document

ETUC letter of support to Springer Nature strike

Esther Lynch sent a letter to the National Union of Journalists General Secretary to express support for the ongoing strike of Springer Nature workers.  I am writing to express the ETUC’s solidarity with the striking journalists at Springer Nature and their union, the National Union of Journalists. 
See what happened at the latest Congress