• 17.11.2015 Press release

    National Budget Plans: Commission eases off austerity

    The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) notes that the European Commission has not rejected any national budget plan for next year, and takes this as a much-needed sign of easing off austerity. “Renewed austerity is the last thing Europe needs right now” said Veronica Nilsson, Deputy General Secretary of the ETUC “The European Commission is absolutely right not to push for it. With fragile recovery, high unemployment and the refugee emergency, cutting public spending could create another crisis.”
  • 14.11.2015 Press release

    ETUC stands with the people of Paris

    The European Trade Union Confederation, representing 90, trade union organisations in 40 countries, said it stood with the people of Paris at this terrible, frightening time. Luca Visentini, General Secretary of the ETUC, said "We are with the families and loved ones of the victims, with the workers dealing with these murderous attacks, and with all people of Paris who are shocked, grieving and fearful. We are with our French trade unions and all their members."
  • 10.11.2015 Press release

    UK EU renegotiation cannot touch freedom of movement

    The freedom of movement of workers and equal pay for equal work are fundamental rights and European principles which cannot be negotiated away said the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). Responding to Prime Minister Cameron's long-awaited EU reform demands, Luca Visentini, General Secretary of the ETUC warned "European trade unions  will call on their Governments and the European institutions to refuse to open negotiations on any change that would undermine freedom of movement of workers, and equal pay for equal work."
  • 06.11.2015 Press release

    EU and African governments to agree deal to manage refugee crisis?

    On 11-12 November EU and African Heads of Government will meet in Valletta to discuss the refugee and migration crisis. The International and European Trade Union Confederations (ITUC and ETUC) have made a joint call to European and African leaders to agree concrete measures for dealing with the unprecedented waves of people fleeing war, poverty and persecution.       
  • 05.11.2015 Press release

    Bleak outlook – European Commission forecasts low growth & high unemployment

    Commenting on the European Commission’s economic forecast, ETUC General Secretary Luca Visentini said “Low growth and high unemployment is a bleak outlook for citizens.” "The European Commission needs to be much more active in encouraging wage increases to drive demand, and in securing public and private investment. I am astonished that Commissioner Moscovici did not even mention the Juncker investment plan, he obviously does not expect it to make a big impact.”
  • 02.11.2015 Press release

    Equal Pay Day

    The ETUC welcomes the European Commission’s efforts to raise awareness of the gender pay gap and its pervasive consequences. “At the same time,” said General Secretary Luca Visentini, “we deplore the lack of new legislative action to revise the Equal Pay Directive. Without further legislation, discrimination against women in pay and at work will continue.
  • 28.10.2015 Press release

    ETUC supports single market that protects workers

    Commenting on the Commission’s ‘Internal Market Strategy’ Communication, the ETUC’s Liina Carr said “The European Commission is right to want to create jobs and socially fair growth through the single market. It remains to be seen if this strategy can deliver it.” “Trade unions support a better functioning single market with sensible rules that protect workers and consumers. The recognition in this Communication of the need to protect workers’ rights is a start.”    The ETUC
  • 22.10.2015 Press release

    ETUC Women's Committee elect new President

    Gloria Mills was today elected President of ETUC Women’s Committee. “EU legislation was an important milestone on the road to women’s equality” said Gloria Mills, “and there is still a long way to go. ETUC Women’s Committee will increase its efforts to close the gender pay gap and smash the glass ceiling across Europe.  We will give working women a voice in shaping the EU proposals for a better work/life balance which should be coming out next year.”
  • 21.10.2015 Press release

    Competitiveness boards or wage boards?

    The European Commission today published a recommendation to establish ‘National Competitiveness Boards’ within the Euro area. The ETUC
  • 20.10.2015 Press release

    For a digital age that benefits European workers and enterprises

    Governments, employers and trade unions must work together to enable European companies and workers to take full advantage of the opportunities offered by digitalisation, and avoid job losses and worsening working conditions warned the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC).
  • 19.10.2015 Speech

    Tripartite Social Summit - Speech by Luca Visentini, ETUC General Secretary

    Source: European Council
    [Check against delivery]   President Juncker  President Tusk President Bettel Vice President Dombrovskis Commissioner Thyssen Minister Schmit Deputy Prime Minister Asscher Minister Richter Esteemed authorities, Dear colleagues from social partners, First of all let me tell you that the ETUC fully supports the European Commission’s initiatives to address the refugee emergency in Europe.