• 16.10.2015 Press release

    Shocking poverty statistics: but Commissioner promises decent jobs and social fairness as top priority

    The ETUC is appalled that almost 1 in 4 Europeans is still at risk of poverty, according to statistics issued today by Eurostat. While the EU 2020 strategy aims to reduce the number of people at risk of poverty by 20 million by 2020, that number has increased by 5 million since 2008, and in 2014 stood at 122 million, or 24.4% of the population. “The ETUC welcomes the commitment made by Commissioner Thyssen to make the creation of decent jobs and social fairness her top priority,” said Veronica Nilsson, Deputy General Secretary of the ETUC.
  • 16.10.2015 Press release

    Taking mental health at work seriously

    25 % of EU citizens will experience mental health problems in their lifetime as result of poor work-design & high workloads according to EU estimates. Cardiovascular diseases, musculoskeletal disorders, dermatologic problems, suicide, relationship problems with colleagues (as well as with family and friends), and increased risk of violence are all potential consequences of mental health problems. In turn employee performance and productivity, rates of sick leave, absenteeism, accidents and staff turnover all suffer as a result of such problems.
  • 16.10.2015 Press release

    ETUC welcomes promise of more responsible trade policy

    The ETUC has long called for trade deals that work for all, and welcomes the European Commission taking up the same call in its new strategy ‘Trade for All: Towards a more responsible trade and investment policy’. “The Commission promises to promote sustainable development, human rights and good governance in future trade agreements,” said Liina Carr, Confederal Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation, “and we look forward to the EU translating those aspirations into reality.”
  • 15.10.2015 Press release

    ETUC meets Juncker and Tusk ahead of EU Summit

    Speaking ahead of the European Summit, Luca Visentini, the new General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation, will tell Presidents Juncker and Tusk and Prime Minister Bettel (chair of the rotating Council Presidency) at this morning’s ‘Tripartite Social Summit’ that the ETUC
  • 13.10.2015 Speech

    The ETUC Manifesto - Speech from Luca Visentini, General Secretary of the ETUC

    Source: Anne Bruel/cfdt
    [Check against delivery]   Delegates, colleagues, friends, First of all I would like to thank you sincerely for the support you have expressed for me, for the President, and for the Secretariat for the next 4 years. We've got a great new team now, and I'm really happy with that. We have succeeded in ensuring full gender equality, and all geographical areas of Europe are represented. We have brought in colleagues who are full of energy and enthusiasm, ready to deliver ETUC policy.
  • 10.10.2015 Press release

    Trade unionists' hearts with victims of Ankara blast

    Luca Visentini, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation, this afternoon said "The hearts and thoughts of all trade unionists are with the dead and the injured of this  horrific attack in Ankara. We express our wholehearted solidarity with the victims, their families and loved ones." 
  • 09.10.2015 Press release

    UGTT richly deserve the Nobel Peace Prize and the recognition it brings

    Today the Tunisian trade union UGTT was named as one of the recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize, awarded to the National Dialogue Quartet for its role in the country's peaceful transition to democracy. ETUC General Secretary Luca Visentini warmly welcomed the award. “The UGTT richly deserve the prize and the recognition it brings” he said.
  • 08.10.2015 Press release

    President of the European Economic and Social Committee is a trade unionist

    The European Economic and Social Committee starts its new term (2015-20) with the election of a new President, the long-serving European trade unionist Georges Dassis. Dassis has been involved in the trade union movement from a young age, starting with activism against the colonels in Greece, then as an official of FGTB Belgium, and then in different roles representing trade unions at the ILO, for Italian trade union CISL, and at the ETUC.
  • 08.10.2015 Speech

    Election of new President of the European Economic and Social Commitee

    [Check against delivery]   Esteemed authorities, Members of the European Economic and Social Committee, Dear colleagues,   It’s a great pleasure to be here today celebrating with the newly elected President of the Committee, our comrade and friend Georges Dassis, and the Presidents of the three groups Jacek Krawczyk, Luca Jahier and our colleague and friend Gabriele Bischoff.   I warmly congratulate all of you on behalf of the European Trade Union Confederation and the whole trade union movement in Europe.
  • 02.10.2015 Press release

    European trade unions elect new leaders and adopt fresh policies

    Leaders of Europe’s national trade unions today elected Luca Visentini as new General Secretary, and Rudy de Leeuw as new President, of the European Trade Union Confederation.  They also adopted a new Manifesto and Action Programme 2015-19 ‘for quality jobs, workers’ rights and a fair society’.