• 12.10.2016 Press release

    The pain that's crippling Europe

    The European Trade Union Confederation is calling on the European Commission to tackle the number one cause of occupational sickness in Europe: the epidemic of back, shoulder, neck, elbow, hand and knee pain costing workers severe loss of quality of life and millions of days off work.   The cost to employers, workers and health services has been estimated at €163 billion.   
  • 10.10.2016 Press release

    Launch of new website to fight work-related cancer

    A new website – up online today with the support of the European Trade Union Confederation – will enable workers to find out more about cancer risks at work and the dangers of exposure to carcinogens. Every year, more than 100,000 people die in Europe as a result of working with carcinogens. The new site: www.roadmaponcarcinogens.eu highlights the need to limit exposure to cancer-causing agents.
  • 05.10.2016 Press release

    Needed: regional strategies for a just transition to low-carbon industry

    Trade unions see low-carbon industry as an opportunity for a sustainable prosperity, and want industrial regions in the EU to draw up long-term strategies for reducing emissions, with close involvement of trade unions and employers. That’s the conclusion of a 2 year EU-funded project conducted with trade unions and other regional organisations in seven industrial regions across the EU.
  • 05.10.2016 Press release

    ETUC tells EU to deliver decent work

    The EU could raise low pay, benefitting workers and families throughout Europe and beyond, says the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). In the run up to the World Day of Decent Work on October 7, the ETUC is highlighting
  • 04.10.2016 Press release

    Funds for youth employment don't match the good intentions

    Google / CC
    Commenting on European Commissioner Marianne Thyssen’s proposals – announced today -  for tackling youth unemployment, the European Trade Union Confederation warned that the funds did not match the good intentions.
  • 28.09.2016 Press release

    The Commission needs to get serious about tackling new forms of undeclared work

    The gig economy needs to grow up and meet its responsibilities to workers and society by turning undeclared work into declared work, and the European Commission needs to help online platforms to do so warned the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), together with UNI Europa, the European Services Workers Union.
  • 22.09.2016 Press release

    Civil society groups call on European governments to reject the CETA agreement

    A broad group of civil society and consumer organisations as well as trade unions call on the EU’s trade ministers to reject the signature of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) with Canada [1]. The trade ministers are gathering in Bratislava today and tomorrow to discuss the ratification of the CETA agreement.
  • 21.09.2016 Press release

    ECJ to declare composition of German company boards illegal?

    Just as the representation of workers on company boards is getting back on the political agenda*, an attempt is being made to get the German system of board-level worker representatives declared illegal! A case is being brought to the European Court of Justice (ECJ) claiming that the German law is discriminatory for the subsidiaries of German companies in Europe and therefore incompatible with European law.   
  • 21.09.2016 Press release

    OECD interim economic outlook

    The OECD today calls for more investment and for investment to be excluded from Eurozone fiscal rules. It also notes that high inequality and stagnant wages make growth more difficult. Key quotes from the Outlook include “Poor growth outcomes combined with high inequality and stagnant incomes are further complicating the political environment, making it more difficult to pursue policies that would support growth and promote inclusiveness.”
  • 14.09.2016 Press release

    ETUC on State of Union speech

    Commenting on President Juncker’s State of the Union speech, Luca Visentini, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation, said: “I welcome the promise to double the investment plan, and to continue the Youth Guarantee. At the same time I am disappointed he did not announce any new action to tackle low wages, precarious work or the exploitation of migrant workers. There is also clearly still a need to press for more public investment as part of the Juncker plan.