After nine months of negotiations, EU employers and trade unions approved a framework agreement on active ageing and an intergenerational approach. The agreement is to ensure a healthy, safe and productive working environment and work organisation to enable workers of all ages to remain in work until legal retirement age. It is to facilitate the transfer of knowledge and experience between generations at the workplace and takes into account the changing national demographic and labour market realities.
BusinessEurope, UEAPME, CEEP and the ETUC will sign and hand over the agreement to European Commission President Juncker, Council President Tusk and the Maltese Prime Minister Muscat on Wednesday 8 March during the signature ceremony.
This agreement will be implemented by the members of the signatory organisations across Europe.
EU social partners will be available for questions at the press conference of the EU Tripartite Social Summit in the European Council Press Room, 8 March at 17h00.