• 09.05.2019 Press release

    ETUC on Sibiu

    Commenting on the widely leaked and reported Sibiu declaration, Luca Visentini, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation said: “We can support all 10 principles, although they are very general and contain no concrete proposals for action. “The statement in support of European unity, democracy and rule of law is useful in these days of populist, strong-man and anti-European politics. It is a pity no mention is made of dialogue with social partners and civil society.
  • 26.04.2019 Press release

    8,000 march for ‘A Fairer Europe for workers’

    Fairer EU demo
    Over 8,000 trade unionists took part in a march and rally today in Brussels calling for ‘A fairer Europe for workers’ organised by the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). The march gathered outside the European Parliament in Place Luxembourg and finished with a rally near the European Council and Commission in Avenue Auderghem, by Rond Point Schuman.
  • 24.04.2019 Press release

    Trade union march for ‘A Fairer Europe for workers’ 26 April

    March for a fairer Europe
    There will be a march and rally on Friday 26 April in Brussels for ‘A fairer Europe for workers’ called by the European Trade Union Confederation. The march gathers outside the European Parliament in Place Luxembourg at 10.30 and concludes with a rally near the European Council and Commission in Avenue Auderghem (by Rond Point Schuman). The march is to draw attention to the European elections, to call for a better and more social Europe, not less Europe – and for social progress, better pay and better working and living conditions.  
  • 23.04.2019 Press release

    Work is to earn living, not cause death

    International Workers Memorial Day
    Almost two hundred thousand people die every year in the European Union as a result of workplace diseases, illnesses and accidents. The reality is much worse - there is massive under reporting by employers, and when a worker is killed by their work it harms whole families. The ETUC is calling for the European Union – in particular the new European Parliament to be elected in May and the new European Commission to be appointed following the elections – to
  • 15.04.2019 Press release

    International union deeply concerned at violence against Greek trade union

    GSEE 100 years
    The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) have expressed deep concern over a campaign of violence against the Greek national trade union GSEE, perpetrated by a minority Stalinist faction which is attempting to disrupt the GSEE’s work. 
  • 10.04.2019 Press release

    National UPdates n°12 - April 2019

    Dear readers We are pleased to bring you the April 2019 issue of Workers’ Voice National UPdates, showing how trade unions are constantly taking new and innovative actions for social justice and progress in many European countries. National UPdates is sent to your mailbox quarterly. We hope you like it    To read the document, please click here.
  • 08.04.2019 Press release

    The future of work – world needs renewed UN ILO

    Esther ILO
    The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) calls on the UN International Labour Organisation (ILO) – which marks its 100th anniversary in June – to redouble its efforts to ensure decent work in a global economy radically changed by free trade and deregulation, climate change and digitalisation. With 16 million unemployed and 21.5 million in working poverty in the EU, the ETUC is working to persuade the ILO to adopt a bold and forward-looking Declaration at its centenary conference in June to deliver a decent future of work.
  • 08.04.2019 Press release

    Workers voice in Commission report on artificial intelligence

    Thiebaut AI
    Tomorrow the European Commission launches a report by a High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI) giving recommendations to the EU on ethics for trustworthy AI.  Thiébaut Weber, Confederal Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation, was the only trade union representative on the High-Level Group.
  • 04.04.2019 Press release

    Work Life Balance: last hurdle for new rights for working parents & carers  

    Work Life Balance
    MEPs must vote for new rights for working parents and carers says the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). Today, April 4, the European Parliament will vote on the final deal for the Directive on Work/Life Balance – already  agreed in ‘trilogue’ negotiations and subsequently by Council. The Directive will bring new rights in many European countries including