• 27.06.2019 Press release

    Industry 2030 report is a step towards just transitions

    Climate change and digitalisation are among challenges which must be dealt with in a socially fair way according to a new EU report on the future of industry. The European Commission is today publishing ‘a vision for the European industry until 2030’ – the final report of their high-level roundtable set up in December 2017 which brought together unions with employers and experts to prepare an EU industrial policy.
  • 21.06.2019 Press release

    ILO Centenary Declaration commits Governments and employers to full employment and decent work

    A new UN International Labour Organisation (ILO) Declaration on ‘the Future of Work’ – adopted today at the ILO’s Centenary conference -  means that governments and employers must work with trade unions, and redouble their efforts to ensure decent work in a global economy radically changed by free trade and deregulation, digitalisation and the climate crisis. The Centenary Declaration calls on all its members – governments, employers and trade unions  of 187 states worldwide – to work together, and through ‘social dialogue’, for
  • 21.06.2019 Press release

    New ILO Convention gives right to work without violence and harassment

    ILO Convention against violence & harassment at work
    The European Trade Union Confederation today congratulated trade union representatives at the UN International Labour Organisation for reaching agreement today with governments and employers on a world-wide Convention (and accompanying Recommendation) for the elimination of violence and harassment in the world of work. The Convention establishes for the first time a global and unique right of everyone to work free from violence and harassment. The Convention would require countries across the globe to
  • 20.06.2019 Press release

    Summit agrees 'strategic agenda' for EU 2019-24

    ETUC march for a fairer Europe
    Commenting on EU Prime Ministers agreeing today a six page ‘Strategic Agenda’ 2019-2024, Luca Visentini, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) said “I am encouraged that the Prime Ministers agreed a text on ‘Building a climate-neutral, green, fair and social Europe’ which specifically mentions implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights.  If this is done over the next four years Europe will be a much better place.
  • 17.06.2019 Press release

    National UPdates n°13 - June 2019

    Dear readers, Our latest edition of Workers’ Voice National Updates picks out some interesting examples of how trade union collective bargaining with employers at local and national level achieves real benefits for workers and promotes more equal working conditions across the EU. Every three months we highlight just a few examples of how unions in Europe are cooperating across borders and working constructively with employers, governments and civil society organisations to foster social progress and justice.
  • 13.06.2019 Press release

    ETUC video messages - Europride 2019

    Euro Pride 2019 - ETUC stands with you  Video messages by Ludovic Voet and Isabelle Schömann, ETUC Confederal Secretaries
  • 13.06.2019 Press release

    EPSCO conclusions must be a basis for further progress on H&S

    The adoption of Council Conclusions on The changing world of work: reflections on new forms of work and implications for the safety and health of workers at today’s EPSCO meeting establishes a good foundation for the incoming European Commission to work on, commented the ETUC’s newly elected Deputy General Secretary Per Hilmersson.
  • 12.06.2019 Press release

    ETUC urges EU governments to move rapidly to implement the Work-Life Balance Directive

    Esther WLB
    In advance of tomorrow’s (Thursday 13 June) adoption of the Work-Life Balance Directive by the EU Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO), the ETUC calls on Member States to take urgent action to transpose into law and implement these new rights for working families. “This is the first legislative advance to come out of the European Pillar of Social Rights, and it is crucial to demonstrate to EU citizens that it will mean real improvements in their lives,” said ETUC Deputy General Secretary Esther Lynch.
  • 05.06.2019 Press release

    ETUC on EU economic policy ‘Country Specific Recommendations’

    Commenting on today’s economic policy recommendations (‘country specific recommendations’) by the European Commission, Luca Visentini, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) said “Although the Commission seems to be over-optimistic on investment and employment recovery in Europe, there is a clear shift in economic policy recommendations in favour of investment, social dialogue, education and training and social protection. This is much-needed, somewhat overdue and needs to be continued in future years.”
  • 28.05.2019 Press release

    New democratic coalition must come together for a fairer Europe

    Luca Visentini ETUC Congress
    Democratic political parties forming a new coalition in the European Parliament to exclude the far-right “must put a renewed Social Contract for Europe at the heart of their programme including for the appointment of the new European Commission President and Commissioners” said Luca Visentini, re-elected General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC).