• 07.06.2022 Press release

    Europe closer to crucial pay directive

    Europe is a step closer to delivering fairer pay after a provisional agreement on the Adequate Minimum Wages directive between negotiators from the European Parliament, Council and Commission.
  • 19.05.2022 Press release

    Machine injuries increase after cut to safety checks

    The number of workers in Europe being injured by machines has risen over the last decade, an ETUC analysis has found amid negotiations over the need for more safety checks.   More than 80,000 workers were injured, some fatally, operating machinery in 2019 – up from 75,000 when Eurostat records began in 2014.
  • 15.05.2022 Speech

    TTC Stakeholders meeting - Speech by Claes-Mikael Ståhl, ETUC Deputy General Secretary

    Cover Claes
    Dear participants, Let me start by saying how happy I am to be in this Stakeholder event today. The work within the transatlantic dialogue has been really dynamic since Pittsburgh. And I am convinced that a strong involvement of stakeholders will make the TTC a continuing success with tangible results. The European Trade Union Confederation has been working hand in hand with the AFL-CIO. And we have also put forward a joint statement (which is available on our websites) highlighting our priorities for the work ahead. Cathy Feingold will also speak later today.
  • 11.05.2022 Press release

    Platforms trying to trick workers out of rights

    Platform companies are trying to trick workers out of choosing an employment contract by offering poorer quality private insurance. The European Commission's platform work directive has laid the ground for workers currently being falsely self-employed to be reclassified as employees, delivering on their right to sick pay, paid holiday or parental leave.
  • 06.05.2022 Press release

    The Conference on the Future of Europe calls for social progress, including through Treaty changes

    The conclusions of the Conference on the Future of Europe will be delivered to the Presidents of the EU institutions on Monday.  The European Parliament, the Commission and the Council must ensure that these Conclusions are respected and become reality. This means changes to policies, to work programmes, to the budget, as well as legislative initiatives, but it means also changes to the Treaties.
  • 29.04.2022 Press release

    #MayDay is about Solidarity

    Cover Luca
    Message from our General Secretary Luca Visentini for #MayDay "ETUC is fighting for a fairer Europe for workers – a more social Europe - for collective bargaining for all and adequate minimum wages, for equal pay, for decent work, for equality between men and women. We are fighting for sustainable and inclusive growth, and a socially just transition to a climate-friendly economy. We are fighting to stop any return to austerity. Solidarity on May 1st"
  • 20.04.2022 Press release

    Free the Belarus trade unionists

    Belarus Independent trade union BDKP
    ETUC condemns the arrest and detention yesterday in Belarus of at least fourteen leaders and representatives of the country’s independent trade union movement.
  • 05.04.2022 Press release

    Parliament backs stronger gender pay transparency directive

    The European Parliament has today paved the way for action needed to end Europe’s 13% gender pay gap. MEPs voted in favour of a report on the gender pay transparency directive which includes the following improvements to the European Commission’s draft proposal:
  • 31.03.2022 Press release

    Ukraine: Unions sheltering thousands of refugees

    OGB members delivering aid to the Ukrainian border
    Food, medicine, beds, clothes and transport are among the emergency aid being provided to refugees from the war in Ukraine as part of a massive humanitarian mobilisation by trade unions. The ETUC and its national affiliates across Europe are providing millions of Euro for aid which is being delivered on the ground by unions in Ukraine and neighbouring countries.
  • 31.03.2022 Press release

    Circular economy plan crucial but another missed opportunity on just transition

    Commenting on the publication of the European Commission's first circular economy package, ETUC Confederal Secretary Ludovic Voet said : "This is another missed opportunity to integrate a just transition in a much-needed climate policy. “Accelerating the shift to a circular economy is an opportunity to fight climate change, reduce our environmental impact and create new jobs while reducing our dependency on Russia. The package proposed today by the Commission therefore goes in the right direction.