• 08.05.2012 Press release

    The EU Budget must support employment and growth

    Brussels, 08/05/2012 The ETUC strongly rejects the Commission’s proposal concerning the application of financial sanctions and incentives regarding Structural Funds, linked to the Stability and Growth Pact. These sanctions would penalise already weak Member States, regions and localities. The result would be the impoverishment of the people of the European Union and thus contrary to the basic principles of economic, social and territorial cohesion policy as reaffirmed in the Lisbon Treaty.
  • 03.05.2012 Press release

    Energy Efficiency Directive: ETUC calls on Member States to give a strong jobs signal through higher ambitions

    Brussels, 03/05/2012 “The Commission’s original proposal was already very conservative in its scope and demands”, stated Judith Kirton-Darling, ETUC Confederal Secretary, ahead of the meeting, “and now national governments are watering down those limited demands, rather than seeing energy efficiency as a means of creating hundreds of thousands of jobs in Europe. Jobs we need urgently!”
  • 30.04.2012 Press release

    Europe needs a Growth, Investment and Social Compact

    Brussels, 30/04/2012 Growth is now at the heart of European debates. Since Mario Draghi’s declaration, Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council sent a letter to the Heads of State encouraging them to foster growth. Angela Merkel is also calling for growth without renouncing the Fiscal compact.
  • 27.04.2012 Press release

    28 April 2012 - Workers' Memorial Day

    Brussels, 27/04/2012 According to the ILO at least 167 000 fatalities have been attributed to work-related accidents and diseases in the EU demonstrating a range of bad working practices, poor health and safety conditions at the workplace and a disparaging attitude towards workers’ health and lives by those who are primarily responsible for occupational health and safety issues.
  • 26.04.2012 Press release

    The suspension of sanctions against Burma must be accompanied by a policy which respects human rights

    Brussels, 25/04/2012 Bernadette Ségol, ETUC General Secretary, stated: “In light of the country’s still high level of corruption and poor record on human rights, we propose binding requirements to assess and remedy any negative human rights impact from investments; public reporting; and the creation of effective complaints and dispute-settlement instruments, among others, which are absolutely necessary to ensure that any new trade and investment do not contribute to the country’s problems”.
  • 19.04.2012 Press release

    A common consolidated corporate tax base: tax justice for the internal market

    Brussels, 19/04/2012 The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) therefore welcomes today’s decision of the European Parliament plenary to approve the Directive on a Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base as a first important step towards limiting corporate tax dumping. The ETUC calls upon the Commission to complement the common tax base with a proposal to define a minimum tax rate on corporate profits.
  • 19.04.2012 Speech

    Whither Europe? Looking ahead to the future of Social Europe

    Stockholm, 25-28/05/2012 The invitation to contribute to this celebratory anthology of the LO prompted me to discuss my vision for a European future from a trade union perspective that takes into account matters dear to my heart and emphasizes Social Europe.
  • 02.04.2012 Press release

    Restructuring: 'Stop the procrastination! Says ETUC, it's time to propose measures to support workers'

    Brussels, 02/04/2012 “We’ve waited 15 years for the recommendations from Gyllenhammar to be taken up. In those 15 years, millions of European workers have been subject to poorly planned and unfairly implemented restructuring processes. After 5 years of economic crisis, our patience is at its limits”, stated Judith Kirton-Darling ETUC Confederal Secretary. “It’s time for action on the right to training, stronger worker participation, and an industrial policy agenda promoting innovation and job creation”.