Time is running out: Concrete and rapid actions needed to enforce rights to worker involvement in anticipating and managing the COVID-19 crisis impact
Three months after the COVID-19 health crisis hit the world and thousands lost their lives, the European Union is now facing massive restructuring processes in different sectors.
Social dialogue, collective bargaining and worker involvement in the workplace are key to shape responsible restructuring processes.
Introduction of the European Social Partners Framework Agreement on Digitalisation
Esther Lynch, Deputy General Secretary
On the occasion of the signing of the Agreement at the Tripartite Social Summit, 23rd June 2020
Dear colleagues,
I would like to thank all of you for having made this virtual meeting of the TSS possible in the current difficult circumstances.
This is a significant opportunity for social partners to contribute to the management of the emergency, to the return to work and to the implementation of the recovery strategies.
The COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences, if not properly and timely addressed, are at risk of generating economic recession, massive unemployment, deterioration of working conditions and rights, increased inequality and social exclusion.
The digital transformation of the economy is a multifaceted topic with large implications for labour markets, the world of work and society at large. It is dealt with in a variety of ways by EU member states, due to different social and economic situations, labour markets and industrial relations systems and existing initiatives, practices and collective agreements.
Brussels, 19 June 2020
Adopted at the Extraordinary Executive Committee meeting of 9 June 2020
ETUC Resolution on the EU recovery strategy after the COVID-19 outbreak
The context
Europe is facing the worst recession since the 1930s, following the worst pandemic in the last hundred years.
Letter sent to Mr. Thomas Myrup Kristensen, Facebook Managing Director EU Affairs, Head of Office and Mrs. Marisa Jimenez Martin, Director of Facebook Public Policy and Head of Eu Affairs
Dear Ms Martin
Adopted at the Executive Committee Meeting of 9 June 2020
The social impact of the COVID-19 crisis makes it necessary to substantially amend the Commission proposal on revised Employment Guidelines
Brussels 11 June 2020
ETUC resolution on European Green Deal initiatives: Climate Law, EU Sustainable Investment Plan, Just Transition Fund Regulation and new EU Industrial Strategy
Adopted at the ETUC Executive Committee of 9 June 2020
Summary of key messages
Reinforced Youth Guarantee, Revisited fight against youth unemployment
This resolution adopted by ETUC Youth on 2nd June 2020 aims at providing an analysis of the current scheme based on ETUC members’ experience as well as recommendations for further steps to reinforce the Youth Guarantee, also in the view of the new urgencies caused by the pandemic.
Measures fall short of protecting posted workers in the outbreak of COVID-19
Posted workers in the EU face particular challenges in view of the COVID-19 outbreak and the measures imposed, not only in terms of border restrictions on the free movement of workers and services, but also in terms of emergency measures introduced to mitigate and protect workers and businesses from negative consequences of the crisis. Posted workers are at particular risk of being left behind.