06.03.2025 Press release

Keep cutting interest rates to boost Clean Industrial Deal

Commenting on the ECB’s decision to cut interest rates today, ETUC General Secretary Esther Lynch said: “The ECB has a duty to keep cutting interest rates with the same urgency with which they raised them to record levels at the expense of workers and their companies. “High interest rates are preventing the scale of investment required for Europe to decarbonise its industries, putting at risk quality jobs now and in the future. 
05.03.2025 Press release

Right to training missing from ‘Union of Skills’

Open door to training at the workplace
The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) urges the European Commission to ensure the “Union of Skills” initiative establishes a legally binding right to training for all workers, including on
05.03.2025 Press release

ETUC signs Pact for European Social Dialogue

Signing of the Pact on European Social Dialogue
Together with employers’ organisations and the European Commission, the ETUC has today signed a pact to strengthen the role of social partners in shaping the labour market, employment, and social policies. As part of the Pact, the Commission commits to support social dialogue, at all levels, politically, financially and administratively, in a sustained way and by promoting capacity building of national social partners.
05.03.2025 Press release

One step closer: EU action to save jobs

Teresa Ribera and Esther Lynch
Following her unveiling of the Clean Industrial Deal last week, which includes important job-saving measures, Commission Vice-President Teresa Ribera met with trade union leaders from across Europe today. The discussions focussed on the urgency of EU action to stem the wave of job cuts faced by working people.
28.02.2025 Press release

ETUC launches counter opinion on minimum wage directive case

Counting cents
A controversial legal opinion calling for the annulment of the Directive on Adequate Minimum Wages (AMWD) was based on a “historically mistaken” reading of EU law that failed to consider established case law.  
  • 26.02.2025 Press release

    Omnibus weakens workers' protections from corporate abuse

    Trade unions protest against the Omnibus deregulation drive outside the headquarters of the European Commission
    The Commission has today proposed to weaken mechanisms designed to hold companies accountable to the abuse of workers in their supply chains. Measures brought in to address conditions like those that led to the Rana Plaza tragedy would be dramatically watered down, if the European Commission’s Omnibus deregulation drive goes through.
  • 26.02.2025 Press release

    Clean Industrial Deal: job-saving measures must not be delayed

    Placard reads "our jobs depend on your decisions" during industrial workers demonstration in Brussels
    Thousands of jobs rely on a swift implementation of the Clean Industrial Deal (CID), announced today by the European Commission. The ETUC is calling for the measures focussed on workers to be urgently brought forward. An average of 500 jobs a day are being lost and even more threatened. Just transition measures are urgently needed to save those jobs and must be moved to the top of the list, not left as an add-on to be implemented at the end of the year.
  • 25.02.2025 Press release

    Unions protest against Omnibus’ drive towards deregulation

    Trade unionists and green campaigners staged a protest in Brussels today to tell the European Commission to ‘slam the brakes’ on its Omnibus package which is driving Europe towards deregulation that will weaken workers’ rights and environmental protections.  A banner reading “EU Omnibus: destination deregulation” was unfurled outside the Commission’s Berlaymont headquarters and bus tickets reading “workers denied boarding” were distributed to people coming and going from the building. Free to use photos can be found here: 
  • 24.02.2025 Press release

    10 million more workers can’t heat their homes

    The number of people in the European Union who can’t afford to keep their home warm increased by 16 million during the cost-of-living crisis – and the majority of them were in work. In 2019, an estimated 7% of the European population could not afford to put the heating on, equivalent to 30.7 million people, including 13.4 million people in work.But the latest figures show that the share of people living in energy poverty increase to 10.6% in 2023 - 47.5 million people, including 23.7 million people in employment. 
  • 17.02.2025 Press release

    EU youth survey shows importance of traineeship directive

    A new poll showing young people want the EU to prioritise action to address the cost-of-living, jobs and training demonstrates why the European Commission needs to deliver the traineeship directive.The EU Youth Survey published today by the European Parliament shows that the priorities of people aged between 16 and 30 are:
  • 14.02.2025 Press release

    EU poll shows huge support for AI at work directive

    There is overwhelming public support for EU action to address the risks and maximise the benefits of artificial intelligence in the workplace, a new EU poll shows.A European Commission survey of 26,000 people about their attitudes to the use of artificial Intelligence and the future of work published today found:
  • 12.02.2025 Press release

    Workers missing from Commission work programme

    Workers are largely missing from the 2025 work programme published today by the European Commission, which is too narrowly focused on gambling that ‘simplification’ alone will improve competitiveness rather than making the necessary investments.
  • 11.02.2025 Press release

    Tariffs show urgent need for EU industry policy

    European trade unions condemn the ‘unjustified’ tariffs imposed by US President Donald Trump and call for a smart response from the EU which protects European jobs and industries.The 25% tariffs on foreign steel and aluminium announced by Trump will have negative consequences for European workers and companies, as the US is the second largest market for EU steel makers.
  • 04.02.2025 Press release

    Cancer: Commission must end delay over asbestos action

    On World Cancer Day, trade unions are calling on European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to finally deliver on her promise of legislation to better protect workers from asbestos-ridden buildings. 
  • 30.01.2025 Press release

    Cut interest rates faster to stop jobs crisis

    Trade unions are calling on the European Central Bank (ECB) to stop putting jobs at risk by preventing investment and instead go further and faster in cutting interest rates.The ECB today announced another 0.25% cut in interest rates, which does little to relieve the pressure it put on workers and companies by holding rates at record levels for most of last year.
  • 29.01.2025 Press release

    ETUC declines invitation to endorse competitiveness compass

    The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) cannot endorse the Competitiveness Compass if it continues to undermine jobs, rights and standards. While the Compass published today by the European Commission recognises that quality jobs are an important part of a competitive economy, that is undermined by a focus on deregulation.  
  • 23.01.2025 Press release

    Quality jobs central to EU competitiveness plan

    Compass points to quality jobs
    The ETUC is calling on the European Commission to make quality jobs a central objective to its competitiveness plan and warns against an approach based on low pay, long hours and bad conditions.  The Competitiveness Compass, which is set to be published next week, must have the protection and creation of quality jobs as a cardinal point. Trade unions expect it to lay the foundation to deliver a quality jobs package, including new legislation and investments, within the first half of this year. Social Europe is our competitive advantage
  • 20.01.2025 Press release

    ETUC Welcomes Ceasefire in Gaza, Calls for Immediate Humanitarian Action

    The Gaza ceasefire agreement reached between the Israeli government and Hamas marks a crucial step towards ending the violence that has caused immense suffering. The ETUC fully supports the ITUC and urges the EU and the international community to take decisive action to see through the commitments of both parties, address the catastrophic humanitarian crisis in Gaza and work towards and sustainable peace.
  • 16.01.2025 Press release

    CEOs paid over 100 times more than workers

    Chief executives of Europe’s top companies are paying themselves 110 times more than the average worker, an analysis by the European Trade Union Institute shows. 
  • 14.01.2025 Press release

    EU support for minimum wages and collective bargaining threatened by outlier opinion

    The most important piece of workers’ legislation at EU level in a generation may be under threat following a non-binding opinion issued today.  Mr Emiliou, who was acting as Advocate General to the Court of Justice of the European Union, has today delivered a highly controversial opinion [Case C-19/23] on the case supported by two member states against the Directive on Adequate Minimum Wages.