- 15 September Spain: March - Para Defender el Futuro!
UGT, CC.OO and USO have called for a national rally to mobilise against government cuts. They are demanding the Government holds a referendum to take public opinion into account.
UGT: http://www.ugt.es/ReformaLaboral/quierenarruinarelpais.html
USO: http://www.uso.es/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=13765&Itemid=33
- 26 September Greece: 24-hour General strike
The two Greece's largest labour unions ADEDY and GSEE have called a 24-hour general strike for 26 September, responding to a major new government austerity package.
- Joint Declaration: http://www.etuc.org/IMG/pdf/Strike26_September_2012_c.pdf
ADEDY: http://www.adedy.gr/adedy/site/home/ws/front-page/center+column/sort-units/front.csp
GSEE: http://www.gsee.gr/
- 6 October Czech Republic : Round Table – CMKOS Vision for 2012
CMKOS will present an alternative programme to the politics in force. The union intends to launch a discussion on the future of the Czech economy within the context of the crisis.
CMKOS: http://www.cmkos.cz/homepage/3470-3/cmkos-vision-2012
- 8 - 12 October : European Action Day for the Industry– “Bring Decency back to Work!”
IndustriAll: http://www.industriall-europe.eu/campaign/euad4ind.asp?mloc=eu
- 18 October Greece: 24-hour General strike
The two Greece's largest labour unions ADEDY and GSEE have called a 24-hour general strike for 18 Ocotber, the second in less than a month, to protest at austerity measures.
- Joint Declaration: http://www.etuc.org/IMG/pdf/GSEE_Strike_October_18_2012_2_.pdf
ADEDY: http://www.adedy.gr/adedy/site/home/ws/primary+menu/deltia/2012/october/10102012-1.csp
GSEE: http://www.gsee.gr/news/news_view.php?id=1907
- 20 October UK: March and Rally – For a Future that Works!
20 October will see hundreds of thousands take to the streets of London to call for a fairer way out of this economic crisis.