Actions undertaken in the framework of the EU project “Platform Reps” have allowed ETUC and its member organisations to discuss and research in depth collective and legislative approaches towards digital labour platforms. This was done in light of the ongoing discussions by the European co-legislators on the proposal for a Directive on improving working conditions in platform work. The actions focused on the challenges identified for granting protection to workers and on the possibilities for the enaction of effective legislation at national level.
Twelve country reports analyse the situation at national level in terms of trade union organising and collective bargaining strategies, as well as the applicable legislation and the interplay with the proposals of the ETUC and that of the European Commission. The key policy recommendations present a summary of recommendations that emerged in the framework of the project and that have been discussed by ETUC member organisations throughout the various actions of the project. These recommendations should apply to all Member States of the EU.
Key Policy Recommendations (EN - FR - DE - BG - EL - ES - HR - IT - NL - SL - SV)
Austria Country Report (EN - DE)
Belgium Country Report (EN - FR - NL)
Bulgaria Country Report (EN - BG)
Croatia Country Report (EN - HR)
France Country Report (EN - FR)
Germany Country Report (EN - DE)
Greece Country Report (EN - EL)
Italy Country Report (EN - IT)
Netherlands Country Report (EN - NL)
Slovenia Country Report (EN - SL)