This guide has several objectives: first of all, it provides a clear definition of the concept of adaptation to climate change. Second, it aims to give the reader a clear idea of how climate change consequences will affect the different European regions and sectors. Third, it aims to explain what effects climate change will have on health and safety of workers. Finally, it details a set of recommendations and looks at existing practices to allow trade unions to take action on adaptation at the various levels.
More information available at: www.etuc.org/en/adaptation-climate-change
- ETUC-adaptation-climate-guide_EN.pdf Adaptation guide for Trade Unions DE Adaptation guide for Trade Unions FR Adaptation guide for Trade Unions IT Adaptation guide for Trade Unions HR Adaptation guide for Trade Unions ES Adaptation guide for Trade Unions PT Adaptation guide for Trade Unions NL Adaptation guide for Trade Unions GR Adaptation guide for Trade Unions PL Adaptation guide for Trade Unions CZ