Spying scandal shows need for Colombia-EU agreement to be suspended

Brussels, 19/05/2010

Now that some governments are even suspending aid transfers to Colombia in response to the illegal activities of DAS, it is crystal clear that there is no credible way these negotiations can be concluded in this manner,” commented John Monks, ETUC general secretary. “The ETUC reiterates our demand – shared by all three trade union centres in Colombia - that the FTA not be signed under the current circumstances.”

On top of the discovery last month of the mass grave in La Macarena thought to contain the unidentified bodies of thousands of victims of extrajudicial executions, the DAS scandal provides the latest evidence of lack of respect for human rights in Colombia,” stated Guy Ryder, general secretary of the ITUC. "Any agreement the EU signs with Colombia should contain strong clauses capable of enabling trade unionists and human rights defenders to exercise their rights without putting their lives at risk. Regrettably, much more work needs to be done on the FTA before that is the case, and it should not be signed this week.”

- Trade union statement: “Towards employment creation, social stability and workers’ rights in relations between Europe and Latin America”