European trade unions are ready and willing to give social dialogue a new start, and will participate actively in the High Level Conference on Social Dialogue on March 5*.
“Social dialogue is in need of a new start” said Bernadette Ségol, Secretary General of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). “There needs to be more concrete results and better implementation at European level. At the same time, national social dialogue needs to be repaired from the damage caused by ‘structural reforms’ and other EU and national policies adopted since the crisis.”
The ETUC calls for
- The revitalisation of social dialogue at all levels (national and European, between trade unions and employers, as well as national Governments or EU institutions);
- Better involvement of social partners in EU economic governance and in EU policies that impact directly and indirectly on employment and labour markets, working conditions, and standards of living;
- the European Commission to support and encourage autonomous social dialogue at national as well as European level, with a view to generating quality jobs and growth .
“Dialogue is not just about talking, it is about reaching agreements and acting on them” added Ségol. “There needs to be a clear commitment from business and EU institutions to quality jobs, and to positive social as well as economic impacts from EU policies.”
“I hope tomorrow’s conference is a sign that the European Commission understands the need for a new, fairer approach. The ETUC is ready and willing to give social dialogue a new start.”
“Social dialogue is part and parcel of the European social model and of European democracy. Sound industrial relations, and a constructive relationship between employers and trade unions, contributes to the competitiveness of Europe’s most successful economies.”
*Taking place in the Charlemagne Building with Commission President Juncker, Vice Presidents Dombrovskis and Ansip, and Commissioners Thyssen, Moscovici and Navracsics as well as Parliament President Schulz and the Prime Minister of Latvia Straujuma.