According to the European Working Conditions Survey launched today more than one third of workers report some or great difficulty in making ends meet.
This is the reality behind the rosier picture painted by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions which highlights an “increasingly skilled workforce, largely satisfied with work”.
However, the study also reveals that
- A shocking 1 in 5 workers “has a poor quality job with disadvantageous job quality features and job holders …. reporting an unsatisfactory experience of working life.”
- Only 1 in 4 workers have “a smooth running job where most dimensions of job quality are satisfactory”.
Luca Visentini, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation said “European workers are struggling to make ends meet. Work no longer assures a decent life. Is it any wonder that more and more voters are losing their faith in “the European Union and mainstream political parties?
”These results only strengthen the ETUC’s determination to fight for more public investment to create quality jobs, and for a pay rise for European workers to tackle poverty and drive economic recovery for all. Economic policies that result in 1 in 3 workers struggling to make ends meet are fundamentally wrong and must be radically changed.”
“These are deeply worrying results that cannot be hidden by claiming that the world of work is increasingly complex. The survey actually shows that work is unsatisfactory or unrewarding for far too many workers.”
“The picture painted by the European Working Conditions Survey of widespread poverty in improving working conditions highlights the need for a comprehensive approach to tackle inequality across Europe. Improvements in labour markets and working conditions are modest and uneven at best; what’s more, these are being wiped out by spiralling costs of housing and austerity policies that drive insecurity for workers and their families.”
“We need to ensure that this grim picture is not made even worse by ever increasing numbers of precarious jobs and bogus self-employment, and by the changes that will be caused by decarbonisation and digitalisation. We need a just transition into new and quality jobs. The forthcoming European Pillar of Social Rights gives the EU an opportunity to put forward new policies to tackle these problems.”