Lithuania needs a stronger Social Dialogue and trade unions with strong rights!

European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), trade unionists from Europe and Lithuanian politicians will be in the Lithuanian Parliament on Wednesday 10 February to discuss social dialogue and modern legislation, while the rights of Lithuanian trade unions and workers are in danger from proposed changes in the Labour Code.

Many highly problematic changes were proposed for the Draft Lithuanian Labour Code that would dramatically deteriorate workers’ and trade unions conditions in Lithuania.

The most successful and competitive economies in Europe have strong trade union rights and encourage social dialogue” said Peter Scherrer, Deputy General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). “If Lithuania wants employers and workers to cooperate for a more prosperous future, the government should support social dialogue and workers’ rights and strengthen employers’ organisations and trade unions.

 “We stand alongside our Lithuanian colleagues in resisting changes to the Labour Code that damage trade union and workers’ rights”, said Peter Scherrer who will be speaking at 11.00 in the Lithuanian Parliament at an event organised by the 3 Lithuanian trade unions and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation on Wednesday.   


For more information

Draft programme of the Conference: pdf attached (only in English)

List of problematic aspects of the Draft Lithuanian Labour Code: pdf attached (only in English)