Latvia – the next stop on the ETUC "Tour of EU Capitals"

Brussels, 18/06/2013

The need for a strong social dimension in the EU, the urgency for a European recovery plan and the fight against unemployment - in particular Youth Unemployment - will be the joint message from Patrick Itschert , ETUC Deputy General Secretary and the President of the Free Trade Union Confederation of Latvia (LBAS) to the Latvian Prime Minister.

Currently, more than 5.7 million young people – about 1 out of every 4 - are unemployed in the EU. This situation is unacceptable and must be radically reversed. Europe’s future cannot be based on unemployment and poverty. We need a new European Recovery Programme that will focus on the creation of good, decent jobs as a policy priority and tackle youth unemployment. Above all, it means giving hope to millions of people across Europe that the future can and will be better” said Patrick Itschert.

Photos of the meeting:

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Useful links:

- Tour of Eu capitals:

- ETUC position on the social dimension of the European Union: