Fostering Youth Employment in Public Services: Time to act

Brussels, 24/04/2013

Presenting today the results of the project “Fostering Youth Employment in Public Services”, jointly managed by the ETUC and the CEEP, the two partners highlighted the need to focus on this important issue for Europe’s future.

Valeria Ronzitti explained “To foster youth employment is an essential element for Public services development, their high quality and effectiveness. Investment in public services alone will not turn public services into an employer of choice unless their image and variety of available career opportunities are promoted. Therefore the CEEP is very pleased that this joint project with the ETUC has provided many innovative examples on how to reach that goal, and I am confident that our partnership will be equally effective in spreading those examples and turn them into wider actions”.

Patrick Itschert went further by stating “. We cannot sacrifice one or even two generations of young people in Europe. Public authorities as well as social partners must assume their responsibilities and address the fundamental concerns of young people. This joint project was a very good opportunity to exchange practices and to develop the partnership between the CEEP and the ETUC in the framework of the youth employment challenge”.

For more information

- Patricia Grillo, ETUC, Phone (+32 2) 224 04 30,

- Priya Klinkenberg, CEEP, Phone:+32(0)2 229 21 40,