European Social Partners commitment on inclusive labour markets

Brussels, 25/03/2010

With the EU unemployment rate currently at 9.5%, urgent and determined action is needed. Europe cannot afford such a waste of talent. Europe must make full use of its labour force potential, improve job quality and increase employment rates in the face of demographic ageing.

Labour market inclusion is a key concern for European social partners and is essential to foster economic development and social cohesion. With this agreement, they commit to take concrete actions to help disadvantaged people to enter, remain and develop in the labour market. Examples of areas in which measures can be taken include vocational training, apprenticeships, recruitment, transparency and information regarding competences, available jobs and training programmes.

National social partners have three years to implement the agreement and will report on their activities annually. A final implementation report will be drawn up on this basis in 2014.

Implementation of this framework agreement will contribute to the Commission’s objective of achieving inclusive growth as part of a renewed Europe 2020 strategy.

- Framework agreement on inclusive Labour markets

For more information

- Maria Fernanda Fau, BUSINESSEUROPE, Phone (+32 2) 237 65 62,
- Francesco Longu, UEAPME, Phone (+32 2) 230 75 99,
- Gin Ngan, CEEP, Phone.:+32(0)2 229 21 58,
- Patricia Grillo, ETUC, Phone (+32 2) 224 04 30,