The ETUC welcomes the European Framework for Quality and Effective Apprenticeships presented by EU commissioner Marianne Thyssen today.
This initiative on apprenticeship includes most of the recommendations made by the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) in 2016 – see - and is also the result of a cooperative work between unions, employers and Member States who agreed on a joint strategy on apprenticeship in December 2016.
Commenting on the European Commission’s recommendations published today, Thiébaut Weber, Confederal Secretary of the ETUC said:
“The ETUC welcomes the European Commission making a framework proposal for apprenticeship. The ETUC has been calling for such a proposal to ensure fair training and workplaces for apprentices."
The framework encourages a range of decent conditions to ensure the development of quality apprenticeships. It includes the need for clear national regulatory frameworks defining the rights and duty of each parties, and a strong call for member states to involve workers and employers’ representatives in shaping apprenticeship policies and schemes.
“Europe is taking an important step forward for learning and good working conditions for young people,” added Thiébaut Weber. “Under this proposal every apprentice in Europe should get decent remuneration, a written contract, an opportunity to learn, social protection and health and safety.
“Member States must now live up to the commitments taken with us last year. We call on employment and Education ministers to adopt this initiative in November around the social summit in Gothenburg. The ETUC and its affiliates are committed to take their part in the effort to encourage high quality apprenticeships.”