The ETUC Tour of EU capitals continues: Bernadette Ségol to meet the Prime Ministers of Belgium and Luxembourg

Brussels, 06/06/2013

Bernadette Ségol, General Secretary of the ETUC and the leaders of the Belgian trade unions FGTB, CSC, CGCSB will meet Elio Di Rupo, Prime Minister of Belgium, in the morning.

The “Tour” will move to Luxembourg in the afternoon where Bernadette Ségol and the President of OGBL and LCGB will meet Jean-Claude Juncker, Prime Minister of Luxembourg and Jean Asselborn, Minister of Foreign Affairs.

After having seen the European Social Model being undermined and weakened, a new European wide recovery programme focusing on job creation and the fight against youth unemployment is needed. A radical change of course is needed. Coherent and concrete alternatives exist to the austerity policies currently being imposed. If we are to ensure the future of the European project, we must ensure the future of the European Social Model.

This will be the joint message from the European trade unions to the Belgian and Luxembourg governments.

A press briefing will be held in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Luxembourg (Salle Marie-Thérèse: 5, rue Notre Dame L-2240 Luxembourg) at 3.30 pm. For more information: E-mail : [email protected]

- ETUC position on the social dimension of the European Union:

- Tour of the EU Capitals "Towards a social dimension of the European Union" :

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