The European Parliament on 15 June 2017 adopted two important reports on online platforms and the collaborative economy. The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) worked closely with MEPs to make sure that trade union demands were taken on board.
The Parliament’s message stresses trade unions’ concerns on safeguarding workers’ rights in the digital economy, calling on the European Commission and/or Member States:
- To ensure fair working conditions and legal and social protection for all workers in the collaborative economy, regardless of their status;
- To develop a secure social dimension in the digital era and modernise existing legislation including social security systems.
The ETUC is satisfied to see important trade union demands included in both reports. Now the Commission must deliver a coherent EU policy framework.
“The ball is in the camp of the European Commission which must come up with new proposals to protect digital workers through the social pillar,” said Thiébaut Weber, ETUC Confederal Secretary.
“The ETUC will make sure that the Commission follows up this call for action sent by MEPs from all sides, which we strongly support.”