The European Commission has today made the right decision to reject the yellow card procedure triggered by 11 Member States, and go ahead with the long-awaited revision of the Posting of Workers Directive.
The European Trade Union Confederation, together with all affiliated trade unions – including those in the countries which launched the yellow card – strongly support this revision. The ETUC believes these 11 governments were acting against the interests of their own workers in trying to block the principle of equal pay for equal work.
“European posted workers have been exploited long enough. They are not second-class citizens, they deserve a fair salary equal to other workers in host countries,” said ETUC Confederal Secretary Liina Carr.
“At last we can now proceed with a democratic debate through a normal legislative procedure. We will work with EU legislators to make sure that national collective bargaining and wage-setting systems are fully respected, according to the correct interpretation of subsidiarity and proportionality,” she concluded.