14 November : European Day of Action and Solidarity - Large scale trade union mobilisation for jobs and solidarity and against austerity

Brussels, 09/11/2012

The day of action on 14 November will take various forms: for example, there will be strikes in Spain, Portugal, Greece and Italy. For the first time in its history, an ETUC day of action will include simultaneous strikes in four countries.
Strikes are not the only type of action involved. Demonstrations will be held in France and in some Eastern countries (Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Romania).

This 14 November is also a day of solidarity. Many countries will be holding actions to show their solidarity with the countries which are facing the brutality of the austerity measures and their consequences (Germany, Austria, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Scandinavian countries and the Netherlands etc.).

Other awareness-raising and information actions are planned. Given the seriousness of youth unemployment in some countries in Europe, the ETUC Youth Committee has also drafted a statement: http://www.etuc.org/IMG/pdf/Declaration_Young_Eu_South_EU_TU_final.pdf .

One specific action will be staged in Brussels: http://www.etuc.org/a/10504 .

Approximately 40 trade union organisations from 23 countries will be involved in the European day of action and solidarity.

By sowing austerity, we are reaping recession, rising poverty and social anxiety”, argues Bernadette Ségol, ETUC General Secretary. “In some countries, people’s exasperation is reaching a peak. We need urgent solutions to get the economy back on track, not stifle it with austerity. Europe’s leaders are wrong not to listen to the anger of the people who are taking to the streets. The Troika can no longer behave so arrogantly and brutally towards the countries which are in difficulty. They must urgently address the issues of jobs and social fiscal justice and they must stop their attacks on wages, social protection and public services. The ETUC is calling for a social compact for Europe with a proper social dialogue, an economic policy that fosters quality jobs, and economic solidarity among the countries of Europe. We urgently need to change course”.

- Link to the Google map: http://www.etuc.org/14-november-2012-european-day-action-and-solidarity-14-novembre-2012-journ%C3%A9e-europ%C3%A9enne-d%E2%80%99action-et