14 November 2012: European Day of Action and Solidarity

Brussels, 05/11/2012

For years now, Europe’s trade unions have been speaking out against austerity measures. These measures dragging Europe into economic stagnation, indeed recession with the result that growth has stopped and unemployment is rising inexorably. Cuts to salaries and social protection are attacking the European social model, worsening imbalances and fostering injustice.

The ETUC is calling for a change of direction. Words are no longer enough, we need action to deliver sustainable growth and quality jobs. This is a social emergency.

The Action Day on 14 November will include several types of actions: strikes, demonstrations, rallies as well as designed to raise awareness.

For an overview of the national actions to be held as part of the Day of Action, please click on the following link: Google map

This list is not exhaustive, and will be regularly updated, because some actions are still under preparation.

A rally at Rond-Point Schuman ( Schuman district) is planned from 12h00 to 13h00.

A press point is planned. Interviews can be conducted with the Belgian trade union leaders: Anne Demelenne, secretary general of the FGTB / ABVV; Bernard Noël, national secretary of the CGSLB / ACLBB; Claude Rolin, secretary general of the CSC / ACV. The union leaders in the European Trade Union Confederation and the European trade union federations will also be in attendance.