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05/03/2025 News

Response to the Commission’s plan for a 28th company regime for Innovative Companies

Defending workers and labour law

25/02/2025 News

Battle Over EU ‘Omnibus’ Reform Heats Up

The EU's upcoming ‘omnibus’ reform sparks division, with the EPP favoring deregulation while S&D and Greens push back.

25/02/2025 News

Unions protest against Omnibus’ drive towards deregulation

Trade Union Protest in Brussels today to tell the European Commission to ‘slam the brakes’ on its Omnibus package

19/02/2025 Circular

Reminder : Join the Protest Against the Omnibus Regulation

Brussels, 20th February 2025

Dear Colleagues, 

31/01/2025 News

New Challenges for EU Social and Environmental Policies

CSRD at Risk, ETF Criticizes Competitiveness Compass

21/01/2025 News

EPP Urges Two-Year Pause on New EU Rules to Boost Competitiveness

The EPP calls for a two-year delay on key EU legislation to reduce bureaucracy and support businesses.

09/01/2025 News

Adecco Workers Secure Groundbreaking European Works Council Agreement

Adecco’s new European Works Council agreement strengthens democracy at work, empowering local representation and setting a benchma

19/12/2024 News

EWCs: Parliament backs stronger voice for workers in multinationals

EP has approved its mandate to enter into trilogue negotiations on the revision of the EWC Directive.

01/10/2024 News

Empowering European Works Councils: Highlights from the ETUC EWC Conference 2024

Strengthening workers' voices across Europe, the ETUC EWC Conference 2024 brought together 130 participants to discuss key challenges and opportunities for European Works Councils. With high-level support from EU leaders, the event underscored the urgency of revising the EWC Directive and advancing democracy at work.

08/07/2024 News

Negative ECJ verdict on co-determination

Find her more information on the recent court ruling on co-determination rights in Germany.

12/06/2024 News

Report: Tesla helping to trash Europe’s rights record

Tesla’s attack on collective bargaining is part of a “worrying trend”

28/05/2024 News

Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive Adopted by the Council

Find out about the core aspects & implications of the newly adopted Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive.

05/04/2024 News

European Works Councils: The Real State of the Art

Clarification on EU employers' organization BusinessEurope misinterpretation of EWCs realities.

03/04/2024 News

European Parliament's EMPL Committee Adopts Amendments to EWC Directive

EMPL Committee reinforces EWC members' rights, ongoing discussions for trialogue mandate & Belgian Presidency's draft compromise.

28/03/2024 News

ETUC Executive Committee Adopts a Position Paper on EWCs

Democracy at Work matters. For a European Works Council Directive that delivers for workers!

27/03/2024 News

Now Available: A chained Revolution

ETUC Documentary on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CSDD)

13/03/2024 News

Obstruction by Germany & France Threatens CSDD Directive

Isabelle Schömann, ETUC Deputy General Secretary, urges adoption of the CSDD directive and calls for mobilisation!

06/03/2024 Circular

Reminder : Screening of A CHAINED REVOLUTION 18 March at 19:00 Brussels

European Trade Union Confederation, Indewo & Centre Vidéo de Bruxelles are pleased to invite you to the screening of A Chained

16/02/2024 News

Isabelle Schömann in Discussions on CSDD on TV Panel

Isabelle Schömann Deputy General Secretary at the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), recently participated in a compelling TV panel discussion on the show "Brussels, my love."

12/02/2024 News

Webinar on CSRD & double materiality

The French colleagues (CFDT) are inviting to a seminar on ESG reporting.

06/02/2024 News

CSDD – YOU - WE should make the difference – Vote for the EU CSDDD

When it comes to Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CSDD), each minister has a choice to make. They can either live up to their responsibilities and maintain the trust of citizens or lose their confidence by bowing to the pressure of corporate lobbyists.

16/01/2024 News

Now available: Recommendations for the transposition of the CSRD Directive

Recommendations for the transposition of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)

07/12/2023 News

ETUC Applauds EU Council's Pledge to Boost Democracy at Work

The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) welcomes the Council Conclusions on "More democracy at work and green collective bargaining for decent work and sustainable and inclusive growth."

20/11/2023 News

Isabelle Schömann Addresses Labor Issues on 'Brussels, My Love' Talkshow

Isabelle Schömann, ETUC Deputy General Secretary, recently appeared on the Euronews talkshow "Brussels, My Love." The discussion delved into crucial topics like Due Diligence, the Dutch general elections, and the "Justice is Everybody's Business" campaign.

10/11/2023 News

Spanish Court rules in favour of the EWC of International Airlines Group

Spanish Court rules that the International Airlines Group (IAG), the parent company of British Airways, Iberia and Aer Lingus, broke the law when failing to inform and consult the IAG European Works Council over its proposal to dismiss 12,000 employees. 

03/11/2023 News

EU Parliament Upholds Strong CSRD Directive

In a recent vote, the European Parliament rejected attempts to weaken the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), reaffirming its commitment to robust sustainability standards.

12/10/2023 News

ETUC Conference 2023: Strengthening Transnational Workers' Representation

On 5-6 October 2023, the ETUC hosted a successful European Works Council (EWC) Conference in Madrid, bringing together more than 90 EWC members and addressing the urgent need for a revision of the EWC Directive. High-level speakers, including EU Commissioner Nicolas Schmit, highlighted the importance of transnational worker representation. 

27/09/2023 News

Striking Truck Drivers End Hunger Strike Amid Supply Chain Act Investigation

Approximately 30 striking truck drivers at the A5 highway service area in Gräfenhausen, Germany have made the decision to end their hunger strike, marking a significant development in their fight for unpaid wages. This decision was influenced by two crucial factors.

11/08/2023 News

German radio on EWCs

EWCs on the way to real co-determination?

09/07/2023 News

Conclusions for European standards on sustainability reporting

The Haut Conseil du Commissariat aux Comptes (H3C) has published the conclusions of the working group on limited assurance in the area of sustainability

01/06/2023 Press release

EU human rights due diligence law still needs improvement

The European Parliament has today voted to make EU businesses accountable for their conduct – but stronger measures will be needed to prevent unions and work

01/06/2023 Press release

La législation européenne sur le devoir de diligence en matière de droits de l'homme doit encore être améliorée

Le Parlement européen a voté aujourd'hui en faveur de la responsabilisation des entreprises de l'UE, mais des mesures plus strictes seront nécessaires pour p

10/05/2023 News

Coordination and interaction in European Works Councils

Wilke Maak & Syndex have put together a series of obstacles for EWCs and how some of them can be overcome by good coordination between the different levels of workers' representation.

09/05/2023 News

Access to justice for European Works Councils

A hands on overview for practitioners done by Romuald Jagodziński & Sjef Stoop.

03/04/2023 News

Podcast: Isabelle Schömann on corporate transparency and due diligence

The ETUC's Confederal Secretary speaks on the podcast of Frank Bold (Frankly Speaking) on corporate transparency and due diligence in Europe.

10/03/2023 News

The European turn to sustainability due diligence: From concept to obligation spring academy

The Asser Institute organises a spring academy on 3-6 April looking into due diligence in practice.

01/03/2023 Press release

MEPs back workers' voice in corporate due diligence

MEPs have today voted for the explicit involvement of trade unions and workers’ representatives in defending human rights in corporate supply chains.

01/03/2023 News

EWC Briefing on the European Parliament's Report on EWC Revision

On 2 February 2023, the European Parliament adopted the legislative initiative report by MEP Dennis Radtke (EPP) on the Revision of the European Works Council Directive.

10/02/2023 News

Le Parlement européen veut améliorer la directive sur les comités d'entreprise européens

La plénière adopte à la majorité la proposition de révision de la directive sur les comités d'entreprise européens.

06/02/2023 News

ETUFS: Adoption of EP report on EWCs - Good news for millions of workers in transnational companies

ETUFs welcome the adoption of the EP report & now call on the EU Commission to act.

02/02/2023 Press release

Parliament votes to strengthen works councils

The European Parliament today voted by a large majority in favour of the report by MEP Dennis Radtke (EPP) on the revision of the European Works Council Dire

28/11/2022 News

New Democracy at Work brochure available

Democracy at Work matters - now more than ever. The new brochure is available online and in print.

24/10/2022 News

S&D event on Due Diligence - I. Schömann on the panel

On 12 October, the S&D group organised a workshop on Due Diligence inside the European Parliament. ETUC Confederal Secretary Isabelle Schömann joined the debate.

21/09/2022 News

Invitation: Hybrid international Conference on Due Diligence

The Friedrich Ebert Foundation & “Arbeit und Umwelt (IG BCE Foundation)” are  organising a Hybrid International Conference on Due Diligence with the title: The Changing World – Due Diligence laws as the opportunity?

19/09/2022 News

EWC Conference 2022 – Successfully back in person

After 2 years online, this year’s ETUC EWC Conference was held in person again. The first day took place inside the European Parliament – during the 2nd day, EWC members could participate to different workshops.

06/09/2022 Press release

Activists call for EU to tip the scales on new human rights and sustainability rules for business

Today, activists set up ‘scales of justice’ in front of the Justus Lipsius building in Brussels to ask EU diplomats to guarantee justice for people harmed by

05/07/2022 News

ETUC hands over workers’ call for information, consultation & participation to EU Commissioner Schmit

Isabelle Schömann & Gaby Bischoff met EU Commissioner Schmit to hand over the workers’ call on a framework directive on information, consultation and participation. It’s time now for the EU Commission and to draft proposal.

30/06/2022 News

Provisional agreement on Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)

On Tuesday 21 June, a provisional agreement was reached in trilogue on an amended version of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). A number of ETUC key demands have been taken up in the agreement between the European Parliament and Council.  

24/06/2022 News

Who's the Boss - Stop exploitation in subcontracting chains

EFBWW (European Federation of Building and Wood Workers) has launched a campaign to limit subcontracting and impose a full ban on temporary employment agencies (TEA) and other intermediaries in the context of posting.

22/06/2022 News

Occupational Helath & Safety now 5th fundamental principle and right at work

the new ILO resolution adds an additional fifth principle of a “safe and healthy working environment” to the ILO’s existing four fundamental principles and rights at work.

15/06/2022 News

Fahimi: More, not less, democracy at work is the order of the day

While the German government is currently drafting the transposition law on cross-border transformation of corporate legal forms, DGB president warns against a weakening of German corporate co-determination.

19/05/2022 News

Amazon has an EWC - finally!

On 11 May – after almost 4 years of negotiations - Amazon signed a European Works Council agreement. The EWC is governed by Irish law, comprises 30 members, about 238 000 employees and also covers the United Kingdom.

06/05/2022 News

SAP Case: EU Court of Justice in favour of trade unions

On 28 April, the Advocate General of the EU Court of Justice issued an opinion on the SAP case and on the question whether the German national law was in line with article 4 of the SE Directive. In particular the question was whether the independent ballots for trade union representatives on the board level have to be maintained.

05/05/2022 News

Spanish Labour Ministry & trade unions for Democracy at Work & board-level representation

Last Friday, the ETUC, Workers' General Union (Unión General de Trabajadores, UGT) and Workers' Commissions (Comisiones Obreras, CCOO) jointly hosted a hybrid event in Madrid on the issue of board-level representation. Yesterday, the Spanish Labour Minister Yolanda Díaz announced to shortly to convene employers and trade unions to "discuss" and "address" the legal development of the possible participation of workers' representatives on company boards of directors and decision-making bodies.

01/05/2022 News

New participatory model of social relations in Italian company

Terna (Italy’s power Transmission System Operator) signed a protocol agreement including the establishment of a ‘consultation committee on the group’s strategic lines’ and two new joint bodies, one on welfare and the other on diversity and inclusion.

29/04/2022 News

Atos SE concludes agreement on Information, Consultation and Participation at European level

After previous failed attempts, a special negociation body at ATOS SE now achieved to conclude an agreement on Information, Consultation and Participation at European level.

22/04/2022 News

ETUC demands ahead of the 9th anniversary of the Rana Plaza disaster (24/04/2022)

9 years after the Rana Plaza disaster, workers in Europe and in the world cannot wait any longer: the ETUC calls for zero tolerance for doing business in breach of human rights 

Why? Because labour is not a commodity: workers’ life and security should not be negotiated nor put at risk by business models! 


13/04/2022 News

Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) will decide on Democracy at Work

The German software company SAP converted to a SE in 2014. With this transition, the company also challenged the independent trade union seats in the supervisory board. The issue is now on the agenda of the CJEU and a first hearing took place last week.

08/04/2022 News

Hearing in the European Parliament on the revision of the EWC Directive

On 31 March, Dennis Radtke (EPP) organised a hearing in preparation for his report on revising the European Works Council Directive. Trade unionists, EWC members and legal experts highlighted the shortcoming of the Directive.

05/04/2022 News

Trade Unions & of 82 civil society organizations for gender responsiveness in CSDD proposal

Trade Unions & of 82 civil society organizations sent a letter to President von der Leyen, Vice-President Jourova and Commissioners Breton, Dalli, and Reynders, as well as to MEPS and Permanent Representations, asking for a gender-responsive approach in the Corporate Sustainable Due Diligence Directive

25/03/2022 News

Adopted: First ETUC analysis of the CSDD Directive proposal

The ETUC adopted its initial analysis of the Commission’s proposal for a Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence and updated roadmap for upcoming ETUC actions at the Executive Committee meeting on 17 March 2022.

16/03/2022 News

ETUC Ad Hoc Working Group on EU HRDD & SCG

ETUC Ad Hoc Working Group on EU legislation on mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence and Sustainable Corporate Governance is postponed to 23 March 2022 (instead of 18 March).

16/03/2022 News

Women on Boards Directive unblocked

After 10 years of blockage, the Council of the EU unblocks the directive on “improving the gender balance among directors of companies listed on stock exchanges”.

02/03/2022 News

Upcoming external events on HRDD with ETUC involvement

Find out more details about upcoming events discussing the recent draft proposal of the European Commission on Human Rights Due Diligence.

25/02/2022 News

Ban on forced labour products not included in Due Diligence Proposal

Last Wednesday, the European Commission presented its Communication on Decent Work Worldwide including the planning of an instrument to ban forced labour products.

25/02/2022 News

Political agreement in EU Council on ‘Corporate Sustainability Disclosure’ Directive

Yesterday, the European Ministers for Competitiveness reached a political agreement in principle (‘general approach’) on the directive governing the publication by companies of sustainability information (CSRD). 

23/02/2022 News

Commission delivers “bare minimum” on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence

The European Commission today finally proposed draft legislation on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence. Despite some interesting features,  it falls far short of what is needed to protect human rights and the environment.

21/02/2022 News

CSRD approved by Coreper - Political agreement in sight

Last Wednesday the Member States’ ambassadors to the EU (Coreper) almost unanimously expressed their support for the directive on corporate sustainability reporting. Next Thursday, Member States reach a political agreement (‘general approach’) in the Competitiveness Council.

16/02/2022 News

A new SE-Works council in J.P.Morgan

The management of the J.P.Morgan bank signed an agreement on the involvement of employees in J.P. Morgan SE applying to 2,752 employees.

16/02/2022 News

EU ministers could adopt a general approach on CSRD directive today

The French presidency could present a proposal for approval on CSRD at today's Committee of Permanent Representatives.

28/01/2022 News

Democracy at Work in the Spanish Labour Reform

The Trade Union Confederation of Workers' Commissions (CCOO) as well as the General Workers' Union (UGT) are campaigning together for the approval of the Spanish labour reform. Find out about the most important points related to Democracy at Work in the new reform.

28/01/2022 News

Democracy at Work in the German Coalition Agreement

The new “traffic-light” coalition under chancellor Olaf Scholz has also included some provisions on Democracy at Work in its Coalition Agreement. Read more about the assessment of our German colleagues of the DGB.

13/01/2022 News

But what happened to the due diligence for companies?

Monitoring and preventing human rights abuses and environmental damage throughout the corporate supply chain is the ambitious goal of the European Commission's Sustainable Corporate Governance initiative. But the announcement of this text, which is being fiercely debated behind the scenes, is constantly being postponed.

21/12/2021 News

Versailles Appeal Court rules in favour of Atos EWC

Versailles Appeal Court revoked a decision of the Pontoise court which gave the right to Atos SE to dissolve their EWC. Management and workers' representatives have now until March 2022 to find a new agreement.

17/12/2021 News

MEPs demand transparency on HRDD proposal from the European Commission

After the European Commission delayed again the proposal on Sustainable Corporate Governance to 15 February, MEPs demand the publication of all exchanges between the Commission & the Regulatory Scrutiny board.

16/12/2021 News

Reactions to the adoption of the report on Democracy at Work

Find here the reactions to the adoption of the Report on Social Media and others.

16/12/2021 Press release

MEPs back directive on democracy at work

The European Parliament has voted in favour of the Bischoff report on democracy at work, which calls for:

14/12/2021 News

Securing workers' rights in subcontracting chains

Between 2019-2021, the ETUC was running a project on securing workers’ rights in subcontracting chains through a more consistent EU approach towards subcontracting. Find here all the project results and policy recommendations

08/12/2021 News

France: Bill to accelerate economic and professional equality

Deputies and senators agreed on Tuesday 7 December on the legislative proposal "to accelerate economic and professional equality".

07/12/2021 News

Report out: Social Clauses in the Implementation of the 2014 Public Procurement Directives

A research on the implementation of the social clauses in public procurement in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and at European level.

29/11/2021 News

Webinar on Corporate Sustainability Directive

Last week the ETUI & ETUC organized a webinar on the proposed Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD): what does it mean for workers and worker participation and how could it be improved?

26/11/2021 News

This 'Black Friday' is a turning point in corporate accountability

The discounts can be tempting, but there are hidden costs for people and the planet behind every 'too good to be true' price tag. An oped from Claudia Saller & Isabelle Schömann.

25/11/2021 News

Demonstration: Make Amazon Pay Day

Uni Europa, ITUC and local Belgian Trade Unions organise a demonstration on Friday 26 November at Place de Luxembourg. Join the demonstration to make Amazon pay!

23/11/2021 News

EP ramps up pressure for more Democracy at Work

MEP Gaby Bischoff's own-initiative report on "Democracy at Work” – adopted by an overwhelming majority in the by the Parliament’s Employment Committee today – calls for modernisation of EU legislation on workers involvement in decisions at work.

23/11/2021 News

HRDD legislative proposal delayed AGAIN

Several sources report that the European Commission has further delayed the publication of the promised proposal on Human Rights Due Diligence. The ETUC counts the days.

19/11/2021 News

Dutch Social and Economic Council adopts opinion on HRDD

The Dutch Social and Economic Council(SER) adopted an opinion on HRDD at the European level. The opinion goes far beyond what the German and French governments have already introduced.

15/11/2021 News

Netherlands: A way forward to gender equality in company boards

The Dutch Senate recently adopted a new law to promote greater diversity on companies’ management boards. It contains 2 measures.

09/11/2021 Circular

Invitation : Event on EWC transposition in Ireland & ETUC action weeks on democracy at work 

The ETUC is organising several actions to promote more democracy at work, in particular a hybrid event in Dublin on the transposition of the EWC Directive in Ireland 

03/11/2021 News

Effective European due diligence legislation for sustainable chains

The Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER) has published its advice on the Dutch government's efforts towards the European Commission’s expected legislative proposal for due diligence legislation.

22/10/2021 News

Subcontracting and social liability – Report & policy recommendations out

J. Cremers & M. Houwerzijl identified existing legal provisions on subcontracting as well as loopholes and inconsistencies in the legal framework. The project has also elaborated policy recommendations.

21/10/2021 News

Report on subcontracting out now - Case studies in different sectors

Learn more about subcontracting practices in the food and agriculture, the garment industry, and construction sector.

20/10/2021 News

Project on subcontracting has come to its end

Reports, case studies, leaflets - Find the project outcomes on securing workers' rights in subcontracting chains.

13/07/2021 News

Germany: Board-level representation under threat

Whereas in 2015 all 30 supervisory boards of DAX companies had employee representatives, in September a quarter of the future 40 DAX supervisory boards could be without employee representatives.

28/06/2021 News

Germany adopts bill for mandatory quota for women on company boards

The German Bundesrat approved the bill on female representation in management roles. It requires firms with over 2,000 employees to have at least one woman and at least one man on their management boards if the body has more than three members.

10/06/2021 News

The history of Democracy at Work in Germany and future perspectives

Alexander Hagelüken, editor-in-chief of the economy dossier of the German Süddeutsche Zeitung, lays out the evolution of Democracy at work and what we can expect in the future.

03/06/2021 News

Discussions about Human Rights Due Diligence in North Rhine-Westphalia

Representatives from the European Commission, business, science and civil society discussed whether a European supply chain law would be more of an opportunity or ballast for Europe as a business location.

27/05/2021 News

New webpage: Mitbestimmung sichert Zukunft

The Hans-Böckler Foundation and the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB) have launched a new website on Democracy at Work. 

05/05/2021 News

European Commissioner Schmit calls for Democracy at Work

In an article for the Hans Böckler Foundation, Commissioner Schmit stated that we will not be able to master the restructuring of our economy without strengthening the right of workers to have a say.

30/04/2021 News

26 May - UCL Conference on Democracy at Work

The Catholic University of Louvain is organising A Conference on Information and Democracy at Work.

29/04/2021 News

2021 – the Year for More Democracy at Work

The year of Democracy at Work has now officially started. Please find below the actions until the end of June. We will keep you posted on this website with further updates and details.

29/04/2021 News

Worker advocates call for more ‘democracy at work’ ahead of Porto Summit

Euractiv reporter Sarah Lawton has interviewed ETUC Confederal Secretary Isabelle Schömann and MEP Gaby Bischoff on democracy at work, the EU’s agenda, particularly at the upcoming Porto Social Summit.

25/04/2021 News

Need for more ambitious reporting on sustainability

Last Wednesday, the European Commission published a proposal for a directive which would define new requirements on large European companies to report on environmental, social and governance matters.

30/03/2021 News

IR Notes on EWCs and Due Diligence

The latest IR notes feature important news on Adecco's EWC case at the British CAC Court and the EP's resolution on corporate due diligence and corporate accountability.

23/03/2021 News

Democracy at work to counterbalance short-term management decisions

Article in “Le Monde”: Three authors plead for a stronger presence of employees on boards of directors, in order to counter the short-termism of shareholders.

12/03/2021 News

Brexit: Good news - EWCs must still be informed and consulted

Central Arbitration Committee (CAC) decides that EWCs must be informed & consulted in the event of national collective redundancies when at least two countries are concerned.

10/03/2021 Press release

Pressure grows for EU law on global corporate accountability

Pressure is mounting on the EU to legislate to hold EU businesses accountable for violations of human rights and environmental standards across the world.

19/02/2021 News

Call to action: Whistleblower protection across the EU

EUROCADRES organises a webinar about why the transposition of this EU Directive matters to you! Whistleblowing to protect journalists’ sources, workers’ rights, vulnerable communities during COVID-19 and the environment.

11/02/2021 News

EWCs to get prepared for Brexit

At least 2,400 representatives of UK workers in EWCs and SEs are uncertain about their future. The impacts of Brexit on EWC need to be addressed now to anticipate and manage changes in a socially responsible manner.

25/01/2021 News

Dossier on the transformation of work available

Social Europe & the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung project are running a project on the transformation of work, whose final dossier is now available for free download.

18/01/2021 News

European Parliament takes up ETUC demands for a new framework on ICP

The European Parliament adopted a resolution on a strong social Europe for just transitions and took up the ETUC’s call on a new EU framework on information, consultation and board-level representation.

30/11/2020 News

Mobilisation week - You've made it a real success!

Large participation, great coverage and to the point contributions: The ETUC/ETUF week of mobilisation for more democracy at work.

17/11/2020 News

The European Week of Mobilisation for Democracy at Work

The ETUC and the European Trade Union Federations will run a week of mobilisation for More Democracy at Work from Monday 23 November to Friday 27 November.

12/11/2020 News

Labour is not a commodity – Isabelle Schömann on Global Supply Chains

On 6 October ETUC Confederal Isabelle Schömann spoke about Global Supply Chains at an event organised by the German Presidency.

16/10/2020 News

Petition "More Democracy at Work is a must!"

We need urgent actions while COVID-19 related massive restructurings are already taking place. The fundamental right of Democracy at work has to be enforced now more than ever. Sign the petition.

13/10/2020 News

Outcomes of the video conference of ministers of employment and social policy

During yesterday’s Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO), EU ministers for employment and social affairs discussed worker participation and support for workers in restructuring.

12/10/2020 Press release

Labour ministers must give workers a say over companies’ Covid restructuring

EU labour ministers meeting tomorrow are being urged to send a clear message to c

01/10/2020 News

Recording on this year's EWC Conference online

Have you missed this year's EWC conference? Watch the recording of this year's EWC conference online.

01/09/2020 News

Joint strategy for more democracy at work

The European Trade Union Federations (ETUFs) and the ETUC have initiated a joint strategy for More Democracy at Work. Workers’ interests must be heard at all times.

30/06/2020 News

Statement on worker involvement in managing the Covid-19 crisis

The ETUC & European Trade Union Federations have sent their second letter to Commissioner Schmit. Find here our position on worker involvement in managing the Covid-19 crisis.