• 12.06.2014 Press release

    Multinationals must pay their fair share

    Reacting to the news that the European Commission is to investigate tax deals made by Apple, Starbucks and Fiat with national tax authorities, Bernadette Ségol, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation said: “A clamp down on tax avoidance by multinational companies is long overdue. It is immoral of multinationals to avoid tax at a time when citizens are paying the price for the crisis.  As Commissioner Almunia rightly said, multinationals must pay their fair share.”
  • 06.06.2014 Press release

    EU Commission's Framework on Health and Safety at Work: too late, too weak

    Commenting on the European Commission’s ‘Framework on Health and Safety at Work’ which was issued today, Józef Niemiec, Deputy General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), said “The ETUC has been waiting for years for this Health and Safety Strategy, and we are disappointed it is weak and insubstantial. It contains no concrete proposal for action, and no specific improvements to health and safety.”
  • 03.06.2014 Press release

    The cost of the crisis in Europe has been passed on to ordinary people says ILO report

    The ILO, the UN agency, in its World Social Protection Report 2014/15 (whose recommendations are based on consensus among governments, employers and workers’ organisations), has found that “poverty and social exclusion, now affecting 123 million people in the European Union, 24 per cent of the population, many of them children, women, older persons and persons with disabilities. The cost of adjustment has been passed on to populations, who have been coping with fewer jobs and lower income for more than five years.
  • 29.05.2014 Speech

    Speech given by Bernadette Ségol, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation at the OPZZ Congress

    Speech given by Bernadette Ségol, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation OPZZ Congress [Check against delivery]     I bring you warm and fraternal greetings from the workers of Europe.  I am very glad to share with you a special moment in the life of OPZZ:  your congress and your 30th anniversary.  Happy birthday.  Sto lat.  
  • 26.05.2014 Press release

    European elections: for citizens the crisis is not over

    Commenting on the European elections, European Trade Union Confederation General Secretary Bernadette Ségol said “The voters have sent a warning to all mainstream and governing parties. European citizens are fed up with unemployment, austerity and falling living standards.”  
  • 20.05.2014 Press release

    TTIP must work for the people, or it won't work at all

    Leaders of the American Federation of Labor – Congress of Industrial Organizations and the European Trade Union Confederation today called for a “gold standard” EU-US trade deal that improves living and working conditions on both sides of the Atlantic As part of meetings today in Berlin, representatives from the AFL-CIO and ETUC concluded that increasing transatlantic trade could create new jobs and share prosperity, but must be done in a way that helps all working people.
  • 14.05.2014 Press release

    Coal mine disaster in Soma, Turkey

    Commenting on the coal mine disaster in Soma, Turkey, where over 200 miners are believed to have lost their lives, Bernadette Ségol, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation, said: “My heart goes out to the miners and their families. They have suffered a devastating loss of life. My thoughts are also with the efforts of the rescue and emergency services to save lives.”
  • 07.05.2014 Press release

    A toolkit for gender equality in practice - 100 best practices for gender equality at work

    100 BEST PRACTICES FOR GENDER EQUALITY AT WORK   A ‘toolkit’ of initiatives to promote gender equality is launched today in Madrid in a joint initiative by European employers and trade union organisations.   About 100 initiatives from 25 European countries are contained in the online toolkit accessible via: WWW.ERC-ONLINE.EU/GENDERTOOLKIT It will be finalised by the EU social partners in the coming weeks. The initiatives include:
  • 06.05.2014 Speech

    Speech given by Bernadette Ségol, ETUC General Secretary CGIL Congress (Available only in Italian)

    Discorso pronunciato da Bernadette Ségol, Segretaria generale della CES Congresso della CGIL Fa fede solo il discorso pronunciato   Presidente, Cara Susanna, Care compagne, Cari compagni   Vi porto il caloroso e fraterno saluto dei lavoratori di tutta Europa. Sono felice di condividere con voi questo momento forte e importante della vita della CGIL: il vostro Congresso nazionale. 
  • 05.05.2014 Press release

    Canada-EU trade deal: Trojan horse for contested ISDS?

    The EU-Canada trade agreement – which may be concluded on May 8 at the Foreign Affairs Council – should not be used as a ‘Trojan horse’ to smuggle in a controversial Investor-to-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) warned the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). “This looks like a cynical attempt to create a fait accompli for the EU-US trade talks” said Bernadette Ségol, General Secretary of the ETUC “and to undermine opposition to ISDS.”
  • 05.05.2014 Press release

    Spring forecast: EU economy far from healthy

    Commenting on today’s European Commission spring 2014 economic forecast, Veronica Nilsson, Confederal Secretary of the European Trade union Confederation, said