• 04.03.2015 Press release

    Social Dialogue in need of a new start, ETUC ready and willing

    Source : European Council
    European trade unions are ready and willing to give social dialogue a new start, and will participate actively in the High Level Conference on Social Dialogue on March 5*. “Social dialogue is in need of a new start” said Bernadette Ségol, Secretary General of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). “There needs to be more concrete results and better implementation at European level. At the same time, national social dialogue needs to be repaired from the damage caused by ‘structural reforms’ and other EU and national policies adopted since the crisis.”
  • 25.02.2015 Press release

    Energy Union must include just transition for workers

    Source: European Commission
    The European Commission’s Energy Union package is ambitious and broad-ranging, says the European Trade Union Confederation, but its ‘action points’ lack detail on how it will be achieved. The ETUC welcomes the inclusion in the Energy Union package of references to:
  • 19.02.2015 Press release

    Greece: Germany is playing with fire

    Source: creativecommonsEfthymiousRafail
    ETUC General Secretary Bernadette Ségol today said Germany was “playing with fire” in rejecting the new Greek Government’s compromise proposal for an its extension of its bailout. “Germany is demanding unconditional surrender from proud people that has elected a new Government on a crystal clear platform of easing austerity.” “There needs to be a deal and for that all sides need to compromise. German is playing hardball but is playing with fire.”   
  • 16.02.2015 Press release

    Trade unions call on Finance Ministers to back investment and compromise with Greece

    Source: Council of the European Union
    The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) is calling on EU Finance Ministers meeting tomorrow to back and boost an ambitious investment plan for Europe.   The Ministers are due to discuss the Juncker investment plan of €315bn over the next three years.   The ETUC strongly supports investment as a means to create demand, growth and jobs, and calls on Finance Ministers to
  • 12.02.2015 Press release

    European Court of Justice's ruling in favour of equal wages for posted workers

    Source: GPO flicrk commons
    In a judgment published today (aff. C-396/13 - Sähköalojen ammattiliitto), the European Court of Justice (ECJ) gave its interpretation of Article 3.1 of Directive 96/71 on Posting of Workers Directive which says that the posted worker must be guaranteed the minimum rate of pay of the host country.
  • 05.02.2015 Press release

    Greece represents an opportunity for all Europe

    Commenting on the elections and new Government in Greece, European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) General Secretary Bernadette Ségol said, following a meeting of the ETUC Steering Committee with national trade unions leaders:   “The situation in Greece represents an opportunity not only for Greece but for all Europe.  It is an opportunity to re-evaluate the economic and social policies pursued since the crisis, and to take a new path.
  • 05.02.2015 Press release

    EC Economic forecast optimistic: underestimates deflation risk

    Commenting on the European Commission’s winter economic forecasts, Bernadette Ségol, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), said “Commissioner Moscovici is right that recovery is modest, low and slow, and for too many people it is non-existent.” “If anything the modest forecast is optimistic, and underestimates the risk of deflation and its negative impact on the economy.”
  • 03.02.2015 Press release

    Turkish Government bans metalworkers' strike

    Source Industriall:
    A planned strike by Turkish metalworkers’ union Birlesik Metal-Is has been banned by the Turkish Government who claims it is ‘prejudicial to national security’. The strike was planned across 18 companies for February 19. In 2014 the Government banned strikes in the glass and mining industries citing the same reason.
  • 28.01.2015 Press release

    ILO study shows EU investment plan is not enough

    An International Labour Organisation report published today claims that the European Commission’s €315 billion investment plan could create some 1.8 million additional jobs over the next 3 years. An additional 200,000 jobs could be created if the investment was allocated taking into account unemployment levels, and a further 126,000 if €15 billion (of the €315bn) was invested in ‘skill development’, according to the ILO.
  • 22.01.2015 Press release

    QE not enough to stimulate growth

    Source: creativecommonsresources
    The European Central Bank (ECB) buying bonds is necessary, but will not be enough to stimulate growth or create jobs warned the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). “There is a welcome shift in economic policy” said Veronica Nilsson, Confederal Secretary at the ETUC referring to the expected and long-awaited quantitative easing announcement by the ECB, the recent reinterpretation of fiscal pact rules and investment plan by the European Commission.