• 20.04.2015 Speech

    Józef Niemiec: What is just transition, and why do we all need to get behind it?

    This article was first published by the Global Call for Climate Action on their website : http://tcktcktck.org/2015/04/jozef-niemiec-what-is-just-transition-and-why-do-we-all-need-to-get-behind-it/67880 By Józef Niemiec, Deputy Secretary General, European Trade Union Confederation   Climate action is not simply an environmental issue. It requires society to make major changes to the economy. It cannot be imposed from above.  
  • 01.04.2015 Press release

    European and Arab Trade Unions Stand Together Against Terrorism

    The European Trade Union Confederation gives its full support to colleagues in Arab countries in their defence of people’s rights, in particular the right to a dignified and safe life.  The ETUC in particular subscribes to the statement of the Arab Trade Union Confederation https://www.ituc-csi.org/declaration-of-the-arab-trade.  
  • 27.03.2015 Press release

    Step forward for TU rights in Turkey

    The European Trade Union Confederation welcomed the decision of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of İsmail Sezer v. Turkey (application no. 36807/07) as a small but important step forward for trade union rights in Turkey. The case concerned a disciplinary measure taken against a teacher, who held office in a trade union, for taking part in a panel discussion organised by a political party. The Court found that the reprimand imposed on Mr Sezer constituted a restriction of his freedom of association.
  • 19.03.2015 Press release

    Bernadette Ségol: We Are All Tunisians!

    Source : ETUC
    “It is clear that Tunisia has since the revolution been in the crosshairs of Islamist terrorist groups that are trying to destabilise the country and to ruin its economic prospects through their actions,” declared Bernadette Ségol, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), in Brussels.
  • 19.03.2015 Speech

    Lowry Lecture Social Europe: yesterday, today and tomorrow

    Speech given by Bernadette Ségol, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation   [Check against delivery]     Ladies and gentlemen, colleagues and friends, Brendan,   It’s an honour for me to be invited to deliver this lecture, commemorating Sir Pat Lowry: well-known as a former Chair of ACAS.
  • 11.03.2015 Press release

    The ETUC today welcomed in to the European trade union family, as full members, CTUM-Montenegro, UFTUM-Montenegro and FTUM-FYRO Macedonia

    “We welcome our colleagues from Montenegro and FYRO Macedonia into the European trade union movement” said Bernadette Ségol, General Secretary of the ETUC, “and will work with CTUM, UFTUM and FTUM to improve working conditions for all people in Montenegro and FYRO Macedonia, and to ensure the full adoption of EU social and trade union rights on the way to full EU membership. The destiny of the people of Montenegro and FYRO Macedonia and of the EU is together.”  
  • 10.03.2015 Press release

    Trade unions spell out Tax Justice demands

    European trade unionists today made a united call for tax justice, and demanded new national and European actions to end to tax evasion and avoidance, tax havens and aggressive tax planning.
  • 06.03.2015 Press release

    EU must break 7 year maternity leave impasse!

    EU Governments must break a 7 year impasse and agree 18 weeks minimum paid maternity leave says the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC).   To mark International Women’s Day the ETUC is • Highlighting the need to raise European maternity leave rights to international standards, and • Urging EU Governments to reach agreement on a proposal that has been blocked since 2008!   
  • 04.03.2015 Press release

    Social Dialogue in need of a new start, ETUC ready and willing

    Source : European Council
    European trade unions are ready and willing to give social dialogue a new start, and will participate actively in the High Level Conference on Social Dialogue on March 5*. “Social dialogue is in need of a new start” said Bernadette Ségol, Secretary General of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). “There needs to be more concrete results and better implementation at European level. At the same time, national social dialogue needs to be repaired from the damage caused by ‘structural reforms’ and other EU and national policies adopted since the crisis.”