• 04.12.2014 Press release

    Smart regulation - Not so smart conclusions

    The EU Competitiveness Council is today expected to ask the Commission to propose targets for reducing ‘regulatory burden’. The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)  is strongly opposed to such targets.
  • 02.12.2014 Speech

    Discussion points - EMPL/ INTA Hearing on Employment and Social Aspects of TTIP

    Discussion points by Tom Jenkins, Chief adviser at the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)   [Check against delivery] The ETUC has three sine qua non conditions on TTIP: No ISDS; a guaranteed protection of public services; and an enforceable labour chapter.  Today’s meeting is dealing with that issue.   Growth and Employment  
  • 02.12.2014 Press release

    SOS Mare Nostrum

    The European Trade Union Confederation denounces the decision of the Italian Government and EU institutions to abandon search and rescue operations for migrants in the Mediterranean Sea. More than 100,000 migrants have been found and assisted at sea, while more than 2000 are estimated to have died attempting to reach the EU by boat from North Africa. Desperate people fleeing war and poverty in Africa and the Middle East are making the dangerous crossing, often in overcrowded boats in poor condition, and dependent on ruthless traffickers.
  • 01.12.2014 Press release

    Stop Death, Disease and Illness at work

    The EU must take action to stop the 100,000 deaths a year caused by occupational cancers.   The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) meeting in Brussels today condemned the European Commission for blocking health and safety improvements* and for putting forward an extremely weak health and safety strategy (‘Framework Strategy 2014-2020’).   The ETUC called today for
  • 01.12.2014 Speech

    Europe – The political cost of the crisis

    Editorial published in the Neues Deutschland by ETUC General Secretary : http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/958450.endlich-mehr-fairness-in-europa.html on 15 January 2015.   Europe  – The political cost of the crisis   Europe’s economy has been a mess since the crisis caused by greedy and reckless financial corporates ‘empowered’ by deregulation.
  • 01.12.2014 Press release

    Investment: what should the EU spend on?

    Investment in energy infrastructure, transport, smart phone technology and nanotechnology will have the biggest impact on economic growth and jobs according to a new study for the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). The study by Syndex aims to support the ETUC’s work on an ambitious investment plan for Europe to boost sustainable growth and decent jobs, and feed into the European Parliament and Council’s discussions on the limited proposals tabled by Commission President Juncker.
  • 28.11.2014 Press release

    European Semester: ETUC comment

    Commenting on the European Semester, Bernadette Ségol, Secretary General of the European Trade Union Confederation said   “I hear a lot of concern about jobs and growth, but I see only the same old failed solutions.” “I do not accept that structural reforms and fiscal responsibility are paying off. Much of what has been done in recent years has increased unemployment, increased precarious work, and killed demand.”   
  • 26.11.2014 Press release

    Investment: Commission relying on a financial miracle

    Commenting on Juncker’s Jobs and Investment Plan, Bernadette Ségol, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) said   “I salute any attempt to increase investment which would bring jobs, but I do not believe Mr Juncker can raise €315bn from €21bn. “The European Commission seems to be relying on a financial miracle like the loaves and fishes.” “Raising €315bn would be quite a feat, but would fill less than 40% of the annual investment shortfall since the crisis.”
  • 21.11.2014 Press release

    ECJ opinion threatens agreed limits on temporary agency work

    The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) is alarmed that an opinion from the European Court of Justice on 20 November threatens to undermine national rules, often agreed with trade unions, restricting use of temporary agency workers. Advocate General Maciej Szpunar’s opinion on the first case concerning the Temporary Agency Work (TAW) Directive to come before the ECJ, suggests that Member States must lift restrictions and prohibitions on temporary agency work unless they are proved to be ‘in the general interest’.
  • 21.11.2014 Press release

    Juncker's investment plan: New Start or False Start? The big questions

    Is it enough to make a real difference?  To pull Europe’s economy out of stagnation and to steer the Euro Area away from deflation, a substantial investment effort is necessary. The ETUC’s investment plan calls for 250 billion euro or 2% of European GDP for ten years.  
  • 19.11.2014 Speech

    Speech given by Bernadette Ségol, ETUC General Secretary, at the UIL Congress

    Source : ETUC
    Speech given by Bernadette Ségol, ETUC General Secretary, at the UIL Congress. Available only in Italian. [Check against delivery]   Presidente, Caro Luigi, Care compagne e cari compagni, Care amiche e cari amici, Vi porto il saluto fraterno e caloroso della Confederazione Europea dei Sindacati. Sono felice di condiVIdere con voi questo momento importante della vita della UIL.  Come voi, siamo convinti che l’economia e la politica devono essere al servizio dei lavoratori e dei cittadini.