• 28.07.2015 Press release

    Fighting terrorism and reviving the Tunisian economy

    In a joint declaration the General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) Bernadette Ségol and the General Secretary of the Union Générale des Travailleurs Tunisiens - UGTT (General Union of Tunisian Workers) Houcine Abassi underlined the importance of economic recovery in Tunisia. Bernadette Ségol said "It's certainly very important that the European Union and Member States help to strengthen security in Tunisia. A climate of confidence is vital for the well-being of citizens and visitors, and also for investments to recover".
  • 23.07.2015 Press release

    ETUC and Youth Committee condemn Suruc bomb attack

    Source: Disk
    The ETUC and its Youth Committee condemn the bomb attack in the Turkish town of Suruc, which killed at least 30 people taking part in a meeting of young activists to discuss the reconstruction of the neighbouring Syrian town of Kobane, as “barbaric” and mourns the loss of life. “The taking of the lives of good people, young activists, friends and family members is an unspeakable crime,” said Patrick Itschert, Deputy Secretary General of the ETUC. “It is a direct attack on decency and the engagement of young people in building a better society".
  • 21.07.2015 Press release

    Follow ETUC Congress: live streaming

    Congress will be fully available through web streaming in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish plus original language.
  • 15.07.2015 Press release

    Energy union: jobs policy missing

    Today, the Commission released its “Energy summer package” which is supposed to lead the way in transforming Europe's energy system. “ETUC supports the Energy union” said ETUC Deputy General Secretary Józef Niemiec. “We hope it will make the EU less dependent on energy imports, more energy efficient, more sustainable, and create more quality jobs.”
  • 14.07.2015 Press release

    ETUC meets Luxembourg EU Presidency

    ETUC General Secretary Bernadette Ségol today met the Prime Minister of Luxembourg, Xavier Bettel, the current chair of the EU Council, to discuss the EU agenda for the coming 6 months and set out the European trade union movement’s priorities. Top of the agenda were:
  • 13.07.2015 Press release

    Catastrophe avoided at incredibly high price

    Commenting on this morning’s Eurozone agreement on Greece, Bernadette Ségol, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation said   “The EU has avoided the catastrophe of Grexit. But it comes at an incredibly high and hard price for the Greek people. To condemn Greece to years’ more recession would be a very bad outcome for all. The EU now has to deliver its rescue package without adding further conditions or even more austerity in the negotiations that will follow.
  • 10.07.2015 Speech

    2015 Biennial Delegate Conference (ICTU) - Speech by Bernadette Ségol

    Speech given by Bernadette Ségol, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation 2015 Biennial Delegate Conference (ICTU) 9 July 2015, Ennis [Check against delivery]   President, delegates,   I am honoured to address you once more – for the third and last time as ETUC General Secretary- at your Biennial Delegate Conference.  
  • 08.07.2015 Press release

    ETUC open letter to EU Leaders

    OPEN LETTER to: ·         EU Heads of States and Governments, ·         Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, ·         Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament, ·         Donald Tusk, President of the European Council, ·         Xavier Bettel, President of the Council of the European Union,
  • 07.07.2015 Press release

    Give Croatian workers the same freedom as goods, services and capital

    Source: shutterstock/Niyazz
    Today up to 13 EU member states will decide whether to extend restrictions on Croatian workers’ freedom of movement within the EU. Croatia’s accession to the EU in July 2013 brought immediate free movement of goods, services and capital – but not of workers!   Until 30 June 2015 EU member states were allowed not to respect freedom of movement of workers from Croatia. The EU allows further periods of up to five years in which EU member states can ignore freedom of movement for Croatians (until end June 2020). 
  • 06.07.2015 Press release

    EU leaders have historic responsibility to find sensible compromise with Greece

    Source: flickrcommonefthimios/rafail
    Commenting on the Greek referendum and its aftermath, European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) General Secretary Bernadette Ségol said “Greek people have voted against unemployment, poverty and austerity policies that have made its debt unsustainable. People must not be penalised for the way they voted.” " EU leaders have an historic responsibility to find a sensible compromise. The decision should not be a technical one or left to the ECB, it must be a political decision.” 
  • 03.07.2015 Press release

    TTIP - One step forward, one step back

      Today the controversial EU-US trade and regulatory cooperation deal TTIP took one step forward and one step back . The European Parliament’s vote on TTIP supported some important improvements to the proposed deal, but largely ignored public concern about special legal treatment for foreign investors. The Parliament did support the ETUC’s proposals that  •           UN International Labour Organisation standards – such as the right to join a trade union - be included and enforceable in TTIP
  • 03.07.2015 Press release

    ETUC calls on MEPs to vote against ISDS amendment

    The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) calls on MEPs to vote against the amendment on ISDS which proposes to scrap the old ISDS and bring in a new one! ETUC General Secretary Bernadette Ségol said “The amendment still gives foreign investors special legal treatment. There was a public consultation on ISDS, the outcome was 97% of responses against ISDS, but some people in the European institutions seem determined to deliver ISDS for big business regardless of what anyone thinks.”