On 23rd June, Public Services Day, citizens around the world acknowledge the wide range of education, health, social and other key services delivered all day and everyday by public service workers. This year the European federations for public service (EPSU) and education (ETUCE) highlight the contribution made by millions of public service workers to maintain quality services while suffering the long-term effects of pay cuts and pay freezes. Public service workers do not deserve this treatment.
The European Parliament on 15 June 2017 adopted two important reports on online platforms and the collaborative economy. The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) worked closely with MEPs to make sure that trade union demands were taken on board.
The Parliament’s message stresses trade unions’ concerns on safeguarding workers’ rights in the digital economy, calling on the European Commission and/or Member States:
European trade unions today resolved to call on the European Commission, national Governments and the European Parliament to adopt a stronger European Pillar of Social Rights.
Meeting as the Executive Committee of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), national and European trade union leaders also decided to hold a ‘European Day of Action’ in Gothenburg on 16 November - the day before the Gothenburg EU Social Summit takes place and which is due to adopt the Pillar.
Commenting on the EU signing today the Istanbul Convention on violence against women, ETUC Confederal Secretary Montserrat Mir said
“Trade unions are strongly committed to ending violence against women in work, and to do all that is possible at work to tackle domestic violence against women. Only yesterday the European Trade Union Confederation published a report on how trade unions can help to prevent, manage and eliminate violence against women. Collective agreements between unions and employers can make a big contribution to dealing with violence against women.
The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) today condemned the European Commission’s proposal to restrict the right to strike in air traffic control.
It demanded that the Commission removes all references to restricting the right to strike from its initiative on “Aviation: open and connected Europe” published on June 8.
The Commission proposal included
The gender pension gap could be getting wider due to the increasing importance of private (complementary) pension schemes, and their failure to credit women for periods of maternity and parental leave (or other types of care leave).
The difference in pension payments for men and women across the EU is 40%, according to the most recent study which was carried out four years ago (in 2013).
A survey of 44 trade unions in 29 countries published today by the European Trade Union Confederation shows that
ILC – ILO – Geneva, 9 June 2017
Speech of Luca Visentini – General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation
Thank you chair.
Ladies and gentlemen,
The Report of the ILO Director General this year addresses climate change, while another report analyses the labour migration.
They could seem two completely different topics, but they are not.
Commenting on the attack in London, ETUC General Secretary Luca Visentini said
"The ETUC is appalled by this vicious and senseless attack. We are in solidarity with London, and our hearts go out to the victims, their families and loved ones.
"We salute the security, medical and other workers dealing with this cowardly attack.
"European countries must stand together against terrorism, we must not be intimidated."
Commenting on the withdrawal of the USA from the Paris Climate agreement, ETUC General Secretary Luca Visentini said
“There are no jobs on a dead planet.”