• 04.04.2017 Press release

    St Petersburg: ETUC condolences

    The European Trade Union Confederation sends its solidarity and condolences to the victims of the St Petersburg terrorist attack and the people of St Petersburg.  "I am shocked and saddened by the news of the terrorist attacks in the metro of St Petersburg,” said ETUC General Secretary Luca Visentini. “Unfortunately, it is not the first time that the citizens of this beautiful city have suffered from such a tragedy. My thoughts and sympathies are with the victims, their families and with the Russian people. Nothing can justify such acts of barbarism." 
  • 30.03.2017 Press release

    ETUC and ITUC: IMF attacks on Greek workers' rights are unacceptable

    The International and European Trade Union Confederations called on the International Monetary Fund to stop insisting that Greece undertake even more pension cuts and labour market deregulation before the Fund will agree to a new loan programme, or to signing off on disbursements by European institutions.  
  • 28.03.2017 Press release

    Unions urge EU to defend freedom of association in Kazakhstan

    The ETUC is calling on EU representatives to defend trade union rights when they meet members of the Kazakhstan government in Astana today. In a letter to EU High Representative Federica Mogherini, ETUC General Secretary Luca Visentini and Sharan Burrow, General Secretary of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ITUC), condemn the arrest and interrogation of trade unionists and moves to deregister trade unions in Kazakhstan.  The International Labour Organization has repeatedly urged Kazakh ministers to repeal the law that restricts union activities.
  • 27.03.2017 Press release

    Brexit: ETUC in call to Barnier to protect workers' rights & jobs

    With the UK Government expected to trigger article 50 this week, the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) has called on EU Chief Negotiator Michel Barnier to ensure “a social and economic agreement that protects jobs, living standards and workers’ rights, and not a free trade deal built on a platform of lower pay, tax and standards.” The ETUC called for  
  • 25.03.2017 Press release

    Rome Declaration : Good words need putting into practice

    Commenting on 'The Rome Declaration', in which 27 EU member States "pledge to work towards ... a social Europe ... which ...promotes economic and social progress as well as cohesion and convergence...equality between women and men...rights and equal opportunities for all; ...which fights unemployment, discrimination, social exclusion and poverty" and refers to the "key role of social partners",  Luca Visentini, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), who was present at the signing, said:
  • 24.03.2017 Press release

    60th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome

    Today, on the eve of the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Treaties of Rome, and the day before an informal EU summit to celebrate the anniversary and reflect on the current state and future of the EU, the European Trade Union Confederation
  • 23.03.2017 Press release

    A European Treasury for public investment

    The European Trade Union Confederation published today its plan for a European Public Treasury. The ETUC’s proposal would be a way to insure a minimum level of public investment in all Member States. The European Commission has called for a fiscal expansion of up to 0.5% of GDP in 2017 across the euro area on the whole, but this is not compatible with the Stability and Growth pact.
  • 23.03.2017 Press release

    Dijsselbloem has to go

    EU Council
    Jeroen Dijsselbloem has to resign as President of the Eurogroup says ETUC General Secretary Luca Visentini. “His insults about countries spending money on women and drink are bad enough,” said Visentini, “he has to resign immediately as Eurogroup President. 
  • 22.03.2017 Press release

    Updated ETUC media advisory on Treaty of Rome anniversary

    European trade unions leaders in Rome to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome will give a press conference on March 24, 17.30 - Palazzo Chigi, Piazza Colonna, 370, Roma with ETUC General Secretary Luca Visentini, ETUC President Rudy De Leeuw and General Secretaries Carmelo Barbagallo, Susanna Camusso, Annamaria Furlan of the 3 Italian trade unions UIL, CGIL, CISL.
  • 21.03.2017 Press release

    ETUC calls on Commission to oppose China's action against EU at WTO

    Today, Tuesday, 21st March, the WTO Dispute Settlement Body will hear China's request for a panel to rule on the EU's anti-dumping measures against imports from China. The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) supports the call by AEGIS, representing many EU industry sectors, for the EU to firmly oppose that claim.  "Dumping kills jobs, investments and competition. The EU instruments against illegal dumping must not be weakened just because China is taking its case to the WTO", says Liina Carr, ETUC Confederal Secretary.