• 13.11.2017 Press release

    Media Advisory - Trade unions at Social Summit, Gothenburg

    Trade Unions at EU Social Summit 16-17 November   European trade unions will be at the EU Social Summit in Gothenburg, with a European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) event and trade union delegations taking part in an Extraordinary Tripartite Social Summit and the Social Summit. Below are details of ETUC events open to journalists, and the participation and availability of trade unionists in Summit events.   16 November 2017   12.00-14.00 ETUC public event - Building a better Europe for working people
  • 13.11.2017 Press release

    MEPS urged to back anti-dumping agreement

      The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and industriAll Europe call on MEPs to vote tomorrow – Tuesday 14 November – in favour of the agreement by the European Commission, Parliament and Council on anti-dumping.    The trade unions welcome the new method for assessing whether dumping caused by state subsidies is taking place. Indeed, the new method  · does not grant market economy status to China, and
  • 10.11.2017 Press release

    ETUC warns on interpretation of Working Time ruling

    The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) today warned that yesterday’s European Court of Justice judgement on the Working Time Directive does NOT give employers a green light to make workers work for 12 days before they get a day of rest.
  • 08.11.2017 Press release

    Paradise Papers: ETUC renews call for tax justice

    The ‘Paradise Papers’ show the multiple legal ways for companies and rich individuals to avoid tax, and highlight the need for determined action for tax justice, says the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC).   “While millions of Europeans struggle to make a living on low-paid, part-time and temporary jobs, large companies and rich individuals are using the many loopholes available to them to avoid paying their fair share of tax,” said Katja Lehto-Komulainen, Deputy General Secretary of the ETUC.  
  • 08.11.2017 Press release

    Minimum wages in 10 EU countries far below the low wage threshold!

    Minimum wages are so far below the official low-wage threshold in many EU countries that many workers would struggle to make a living, shows an ETUC briefing paper published today.   Minimum wages would have to increase by 62% in Spain, 28% in Germany and 22% in the UK just to reach a level below the low-wage threshold (set by the OECD at two-thirds of the national median wage).
  • 07.11.2017 Press release

    ETUC calls for Written Statement Directive to be overhauled

    The ETUC is calling for the 1991 Written Statement Directive, which obliges employers to give employees written details on the employment relationship, to be thoroughly reformed and modernised. It is the first chance for the EU to demonstrate that the European Pillar of Social Rights can be translated into real rights in the workplace. At the moment, the Directive simply requires employers to provide information on the terms and conditions of employment. The ETUC is calling for the Directive to include fair terms and conditions of employment enforceable for the workers.
  • 03.11.2017 Press release

    Countdown to EU Summit

    The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and the three Belgian unions, with the support of German union DGB and Austrian union ÖGB, kicked off 10 days of lobbying and social media activity to get the proposed 'European Pillar of Social Rights' adopted at the EU summit in Gothenburg on November 17 by projecting a stark message to the European Union last night. "Time is running out for the EU to deliver for working people" was the message projected onto the ‘Berlaymont’ HQ of the European Commission in Brussels.
  • 27.10.2017 Press release

    Online platform workers deserve better

    People who work for online platforms (like Uber, Deliveroo, Foodora and Amazon Mechanical Turk) deserve better than:   The recent EU Summit’s conclusions on ‘Digital Europe’ that highlight the “immense opportunities” for “growth and jobs” without even mentioning the precarious, low-paid employment without rights on offer on online platforms; The European Commission not responding to European Parliament demands to regulate labour and social rights in a digital Europe; says the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC).  
  • 27.10.2017 Press release

    Renewed EU industrial policy: ETUC position

    The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) welcomes the European Commission’s initiative to put industry back on the agenda. Its renewed Industrial Policy Strategy is a first concrete answer to the European social partners’ 2016 joint declaration calling for an updated industrial policy.  
  • 24.10.2017 Press release

    European Commission Work Programme 2018: ETUC Comments

    Commenting on the European Commission Work Programme 2018, Luca Visentini, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation, said “We broadly welcome the work programme, especially the much-needed social fairness package. Whether this package will actually go far enough to improve social fairness for the majority of working people remains to be seen in the proposals when they are published.”
  • 24.10.2017 Press release

    Revision of the posting of workers Directive - Justice for workers now depends on MEPs

    Agreement late last night by Employment Ministers on the revision of the posting of workers Directive finally triggers negotiations with the European Parliament to finalise the much-needed revision of the Directive. However, given the disappointing agreement by Employment Ministers, fair rights for posted workers now depends on the negotiating skills and determination of the European Parliament. The agreement reached by Ministers