The European Trade Union Confederation sends a message of solidarity to our Croatian affiliates, the SSSH and NHS, following the devastating earthquake which hit Zagreb and Croatia on Sunday.
Speaking on behalf of ETUC members in 37 other countries across the continent, General Secretary Luca Visentini said:
“Trade unionists across Europe send their strongest solidarity to the Croatian population, workers and our colleagues in Croatia at this extremely difficult time.
Responding to the European Commission’s emergency measures on Coronavirus, ETUC General Secretary Luca Visentini said:
“People who are ill, caring for family or unable to work because of coronavirus should not suffer financially, so trade unions welcome the European Commission’s commitment to protecting workers from unemployment and loss of income.
“The Commission must ensure that financial support reaches all workers, including the self-employed and those with precarious jobs who are most vulnerable.
Dear readers,
Welcome to our Spring 2020 edition of Workers’ Voice National Updates, with the usual potpourri of European trade union activities. This quarter, we showcase how unions are representing an ever-wider range of workers, such as temporary agency workers, young people and apprentices, fashion assistants, journalists…. And trade unions are also teaming up with civil society, community and religious groups to combat hate speech, support fair migration and seek the “common good”.
The ETUC is calling for paid sick leave for all workers across Europe as the coronavirus exposes the danger to public health posed by the cuts made to sick pay by member states.
European Commission figures show the majority of member states have reduced spending on sickness benefits since the 2008 financial crisis.
Responding to the publication of the European Commission’s Gender Equality Strategy, ETUC Deputy General Secretary Esther Lynch said:
“At a time when we are seeing a backlash against gender equality, European action that pushes member states to renew the fight to end discrimination faced by women every day at work is much needed. We urge Ursula von der Leyen to be bolder, stronger and faster.
Responding to the European Commission’s publication of the European Climate Law, ETUC Confederal Secretary Ludovic Voet said:
“The Commission is right to enshrine climate neutrality into legislation but it’s regrettable that they have not yet proposed an interim target for 2030. This is needed to plan for the transition and have a credible EU climate diplomacy position ahead of COP26 in Glasgow.
The ETUC has used a meeting with the EU’s Home Affairs Commissioner to call for protection to be offered to the thousands of displaced people at the Turkey-Greece border.
General Secretary Luca Visentini met with Ylva Johansson today, where he said the EU must treat the situation as a humanitarian emergency rather than a threat to Europe’s borders, ending unjustifiable violence towards vulnerable refugees.
Responding to the European Commission's European Semester Winter Package, ETUC General Secretary Luca Visentini said:
“The Commission recognises that wage inequalities are increasing and life is getting tougher for low-wage workers, underlining the urgent need for higher statutory minimum wages where they exist and measures to promote collective bargaining in every member state.
The ETUC today staged a protest with a difference outside the European Commission headquarters as a cast of street performers visualised the struggle for equal pay.
A wire walker crossed a rope suspended 2 metres in the air to symbolise the difficult journey between the gender pay gap and equal pay, while musicians led chants including “get up stand up, stand up for equal pay.”
Just one fifth of adverts on Brussels’ biggest job websites are transparent over pay, a trend that is contributing to Europe’s 16% gender pay gap.
The ETUC analysed 100 job adverts on the Eurobrussels and Euractiv job websites in the first part of February and found just 19 of them gave details of a pay grade or pay range.
Most gave no details of what remuneration candidates could expect, while others stated that they offer a “competitive” package based on experience.
The ETUC strongly condemns the appalling racist crime committed in Hanau, Germany. We express our sincere condolences to the families and we reiterate support to our colleagues. More than ever, across Europe the fight against far right and racist crimes and violence must be united and determined.