• 27.05.2020 Press release

    Ambitious proposals for sustainable recovery from the EU, now national leaders must show responsibility and solidarity

    Commenting on the EU Recovery Package, Luca Visentini, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) said: “Europe is facing the worst recession since the 1930s following the worst pandemic for a hundred years, which risks massive unemployment and inequality. “That’s why the ETUC welcomes the ambitious EU recovery strategy proposed by Ursula von der Leyen. Funds of up to €750 bn for recovery, on top of 1.1 trillion from the MFF, are what Europe needs.
  • 20.05.2020 Press release

    Spring Package - marked and positive change from past says ETUC

    Liina Carr, ETUC Confederal Secretary
    Commenting on the European Spring Package and Country Specific Recommendations, ETUC Confederal Secretary Liina Carr said “The European Commission’s decisions not to enforce EU budgetary rules for member states, not to give fiscal guidance and not to open excessive deficit procedures are necessary and appropriate, especially but not only because of the current crisis. “There must be no return to the catastrophic austerity measures taken after the financial crisis of 2008, not now, not after the crisis is over and not after a recovery.
  • 15.05.2020 Press release

    Ambassadors to EU finally adopt job-saving SURE!

    ETUC demonstrating for a fairer Europe for workers
    Commenting on the adoption of the SURE Regulation by COREPER today, ETUC General Secretary Luca Visentini said “The ETUC welcomes the decision to adopt the EU job-saving scheme SURE, but regrets that it took one month for this process to be finalised due to the veto of a few member states which have put EU workers’ jobs and income at risk.
  • 14.05.2020 Press release

    ETUC regrets Commission decision not give workers highest level of protection from Covid-19

    ETUC Deputy General Secretary Per Hilmersson
    Commenting on the decision of the European Commission not to put Covid-19 in the highest risk category of the Biological Agents Directive, ETUC Deputy General Secretary Per Hilmersson said:  "While the ETUC welcomes the fact that the Covid-19 virus will be included in the Biological Agents Directive, we regret that the decision today, if confirmed by the Commission, would mean that it will be classified as an agent belonging only in the second highest risk group.
  • 13.05.2020 Press release

    Unions challenge Commission claim that Covid-19 not at ‘high risk of spreading’

    ETUC Deputy General Secretary Per Hilmersson
    Trade unions are calling on the European Commission to rethink its proposal not to place Covid-19 in the highest risk group of biological agents. The Commission and member states’ experts in the so-called Technical Progress Committee will decide on Thursday whether Covid-19 should be categorised under the Biological Agents Directive, with potential consequences for workplace health and safety and public health. Currently, the Commission insists Covid-19 does not meet the definition of agents in the highest of four risk categories:
  • 12.05.2020 Press release

    EU job support scheme risks coming too late to help 28% out of work

    SURE logo
    The EU’s job-saving scheme will come too late to make a difference unless it is signed-off this week, trade unions are warning as new data shows 28% workers have lost their jobs temporarily or permanently due to the coronavirus crisis.    Over a month after the 100bn Euro SURE scheme was first proposed, the package should finally face its last hurdle at the European Council’s Coreper meeting of member state ambassadors on Wednesday.  
  • 06.05.2020 Press release

    Deepest recession calls for most ambitious recovery plan says ETUC

    Responding to the European Commission’s economic forecast for Spring 2020, ETUC General Secretary Luca Visentini said: “Today’s forecast confirms that Europe is facing the deepest recession in its history, which means the only logical response is to launch the most ambitious economic recovery plan. “Europe must learn the lessons from 2008 by supporting public investment to create economic demand needed for renewed growth rather than pursuing further austerity that would kill the recovery.
  • 06.05.2020 Press release

    Western Balkans Summit needs positive accession message from EU

    The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) welcomes today’s EU-Western Balkans Zagreb Summit going ahead. But despite the recent positive decision to open accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania, a broader message on positive prospects of the future of the accession process for the Western Balkans is missing. The Summit hopefully will strengthen political dialogue and socio-economic cooperation between the EU and the region and show solidarity and joint effort in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • 05.05.2020 Press release

    Union leader sets out COVID demands in Ministers' Council

    Eu Council
    ETUC General Secretary Luca Visentini today took part in today’s informal Council of Employment and Social Affairs Ministers (EPSCO) and asked  • Ministers to ensure that the proposed EU Recovery Plan features a strong social dimension and includes investment in jobs, higher wages, social protection, public services including health care and education and training.
  • 05.05.2020 Press release

    European Commission urged to stand up for women on the COVID-19 frontline

    Equal Pay protest
    Women make up well over half of the workforce in professions on the frontline of the coronavirus crisis, official EU data shows. Over 50% of workers in six highly exposed categories of work - personal care, cleaning, health associates, health, teaching and personal service – are women.
  • 01.05.2020 Press release

    Free arrested Turkish union leaders!

    Turkish trade union leader being arrested
    ETUC condemns the arrest of leaders of our Turkish affiliate DISK today. We demand the immediate release of Arzu Cerkezoglu and Adnan Serdaroglu and other arrested trade union leaders, and without charge. Some union leaders met at the headquarters of the Turkish trade union DİSK this morning to commemorate May Day. The police surrounded the building and arrested 20 leaders including General Secretary Arzu Çerkezoğlu and President Adnan Serdaroğlu using violence. It is believed to be the third time the leaders have been arrested this year.