• 20.10.2021 Speech

    VTC Tripartite Social Summit for Growth and Employment - Opening speech of Luca Visentini, ETUC General Secretary and speeches from trade union leaders attending the Summit

      VTC Tripartite Social Summit for Growth and Employment - Transforming Europe's recovery into long-term sustainable growth supporting more and better jobs   Opening speech of Luca Visentini, ETUC General Secretary (20 October 2021)  [To be checked against delivery] Presidents von der Leyen, Michel, Janša, Vice President, Commissioner, Ministers, Colleagues from the Social Partners,
  • 19.10.2021 Press release

    ETUC on Commission Work Programme 2022

      EUROPEAN COMMISSION WORK PROGRAMME 2022 Potentially positive initiatives include   Missing include Seriously bad gimmick includes Protection of Workers from risks of exposure to asbestos at work European Green Deal (on zero pollution, right to repair and plastics) Media Freedom Act Care Strategy Recommendation on Minimum Income  
  • 19.10.2021 Press release

    EU economic review: no return to austerity rules

    A worker holds a placard protesting against austerity
    Responding to the relaunch of the review of EU economic governance, ETUC Confederal Secretary Liina Carr said: “The EU’s fiscal rules failed in the past, have been abandoned in the present and are unfit for the future. This review is an important step towards a Europe that puts the people and planet before arbitrary and self-defeating debt targets. 
  • 16.10.2021 Speech

    Discorso di Luca Visentini alla manifestazione #Maipiufascismi

    Cover Manif
    Roma, 16 ottobre 2021 È un grandissimo onore per me, un italiano alla guida del sindacato europeo, esprimere a questa piazza straordinaria il sostegno di tutte le lavoratrici e i lavoratori d’Europa. Oggi e durante questi ultimi giorni, tante manifestazioni di solidarietà si stanno svolgendo e si sono svolte in molte capitali europee. Il movimento sindacale d’Europa è unito contro il vile attacco fascista che ha colpito la CGIL e tutto il sindacato italiano.
  • 10.10.2021 Press release

    Attacks to CGIL headquarters in Rome - Message sent by ETUC General Secretary Luca Visentini to CGIL General Secretary Maurizio Landini

    Dear Maurizio, I would like to express to you the most sincere solidarity and full support of the European Trade Union Confederation for the shameful attack by right-wing extremists and No-Vax on the headquarters of the national CGIL yesterday. As you rightly reminded us, trade unions, in Italy, in Europe and in the world, have always been the defenders of democracy, and it is no coincidence that the fascist and violent instrumentalisation of the anti-vaccine protests is directed against the trade union movement and CGIL in particular.
  • 06.10.2021 Press release

    ETUC calls on EU Finance Ministers to overturn 2017 decision on tax havens

    ETUC calls for Tax Justice
    The ETUC is calling on EU Finance Ministers to overturn their decision in 2017 not to define as tax havens, and not to impose sanctions on, countries that fail to disclose who owns companies registered in their country. “EU Finance Ministers should do far more to reveal who is hiding money in tax havens” said Liina Carr, ETUC Confederal Secretary “instead of taking countries off the list of tax havens.”
  • 01.10.2021 Press release

    Joint statement on sustainable corporate governance

    Leading officials of the European trade union federations EFFAT, EPSU, IndustriAll Europe and UNI Europa as well as the ETUC met with the cabinet of European Commissioner Thierry Breton (Internal Market) on Thursday September 30th. The purpose was to present the trade unions' concerns regarding the announced initiatives on Sustainable Corporate Governance and mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence.     
  • 29.09.2021 Press release

    EU takes much-needed action on undocumented workers’ rights

    Migrant workers
    The European Commission today presented its Communication on the application of the Employers’ Sanctions Directive together with renewed Action Plan on smuggling and report on developments on the Pact on Migration and Asylum. The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and the Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (PICUM) welcome the publication of the evaluation of the Employers’ Sanctions Directive, which was long overdue, but remain extremely critical of the overall approach to addressing irregular migration.
  • 28.09.2021 Press release

    National UPdates n°21 - September 2021

    Dear readers, The shock-waves from the Covid-19 pandemic continue to be felt by workers across Europe. In this autumn edition, our National Updates illustrate how workplace organisation is changing and adapting, and trade unions and their members are learning the lessons from the lockdown in order to improve health and safety and make conditions more work-life friendly through shorter or more flexible working time, teleworking and hybrid systems.