• 12.08.2008 Press release

    South Ossetia: Time for dialogue and massive humanitarian effort

    Brussels, 12/08/2008 The UN's High Commission on Refugees estimates that more than 100,000 persons are refugees, with some 42,000 South Ossetians having been displaced into Russia or within South Ossetia and around 56,000 inhabitants of the city of Gori having been displaced to elsewhere in Georgia. A complete cessation of fighting opens the possibility for dialogue to bring an end to the dispute, and the international community must do all it can to help create the conditions for this dialogue.
  • 08.08.2008 Press release

    South Ossetia: peace talks and cease-fire urgently needed

    Brussels, 08/08/2008 Georgia has announced a full mobilisation of its military, and its troops are reportedly involved in fighting in the South Ossetian capital Tskhinvali. Russia and Georgia have each accused the other of aggressive actions as the situation has deteriorated. Emergency discussions at the UN Security Council on Thursday night ended without agreement on a Russian-proposed statement.
  • 17.07.2008 Press release

    ETUC urges immediate release of Turkish trade unionist Meryem Özsögüt

    Brussels, 17/07/2008 Ms Özsögüt was arrested on the morning of 8 January following her participation in a press conference on 14 December 2007 to denounce the killing of a trade union activist. Ever since that date Ms Özsögüt remains in custody and her trial has been postponed several times.
  • 15.07.2008 Speech

    Towards a social Europe

    Luxembourg, 05/07/2008 Europe’s trade unions have always been committed to European integration. We backed the internal market project, we supported European monetary union and we were an active champion of the enlargement of the European Union.
  • 11.07.2008 Press release

    Reducing the pay gap: ETUC demands more concrete and targeted actions

    Brussels, 11/07/2008 In its Executive Committee of 25 June 2008 the ETUC adopted a resolution committing ETUC and its member organisations to step up their actions and activities to reduce the gender pay gap. The ETUC has already included its reduction as one important goal of its 2008 Fair Wages campaign.
  • 07.07.2008 Speech

    Für ein soziales Europa

    Luxembourg, 05/07/2008 Anrede Die Gewerkschaften in Europa haben sich immer für die europäische Integration eingesetzt. Wir haben das Binnenmarktprojekt unterstützt, wir waren für die Europäische Währungsunion und wir waren ein aktiver Vorkämpfer für die Erweiterung der Europäischen Union.
  • 07.07.2008 Press release

    Joint letter from the European social partners on childcare

    Brussels, 07/07/2008 The European social partners agree on the crucial role childcare plays in promoting the participation of women in the labour market and narrowing the gender pay gap. For this reason, as part of their broader discussions on reconciliation of professional, private and family life, they have decided to launch their joint activities in this field with a letter on childcare sent to the European Commission in view of a communication on this issue, due in September 2008.
  • 02.07.2008 Press release

    Social agenda: modest step forward

    Brussels, 02/07/2008 In today’s social package there are some good intentions but will not be enough to win the hearts and minds of the people of Europe and to meet their needs. A more ambitious approach is necessary, for example on European Works Councils (EWC), on the Posted Workers Directive and on the current decisions of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) which are elevating the Single Market above fundamental rights. ETUC is also seeking a clear initiative on the social implications of the targets on carbon emissions.
  • 02.07.2008 Speech

    1st ASEM (the Asia-Europe Meeting) Social Partners Forum

    Brussels, 30/06-01/07/2008 {{{CLOSING SESSION: Bali and beyond – strengthening EU-Asia strategic cooperation on global market issues and decent work}}} {{ To be checked against delivery}} I would first like to thank the European Commission, the Indonesian Government, and the two EU Presidencies which have straddled this two-day conference for helping to bring into effect the decisions of the Helsinki Summit concerning the promotion of social dialogue in the ASEM context.