• 28.05.2010 Speech

    All-Poland Alliance of Trade Unions (OPZZ) Congress

    Warsaw, 28/05/2010 President, delegates and fellow guests, thank you for this invitation to address your Congress once again. I came to a previous one and, since then, it has been a roller coaster for Poland, and for Europe – a period of breakneck growth followed by a crash, not so bad here as in most other EU countries but unemployment at 12,3% (from 10,9% a year ago) and high poverty is a distressing situation for the country’s workers.
  • 20.05.2010 Press release

    Spying scandal shows need for Colombia-EU agreement to be suspended

    Brussels, 19/05/2010 “Now that some governments are even suspending aid transfers to Colombia in response to the illegal activities of DAS, it is crystal clear that there is no credible way these negotiations can be concluded in this manner,” commented John Monks, ETUC general secretary. “The ETUC reiterates our demand – shared by all three trade union centres in Colombia - that the FTA not be signed under the current circumstances.”
  • 18.05.2010 Speech

    German Confederation of Trade Unions (DGB) Congress

    Berlin, 18/05/2010 President, delegates, Your time is precious. My speaking time is limited. So I will limit my intervention to the essentials. The global casino is turning at maximum. Financial markets seem to drive politics. The turmoil on these markets, the high speed speculation against the European currency, the uncontrolled power of rating agencies – all this is constantly threatening our European cohesion, our social fundamentals, our social model, the social market economy.
  • 11.05.2010 Press release

    European workers risk paying a very high price for the EU crisis package

    Brussels, 11/05/2010 There is a clear risk that countries which need the support will have to implement drastic cuts in public expenditure, which are likely to push the economy into prolonged recession with serious resulting rises in unemployment. Again workers are likely to bear the costs of the crisis. For the ETUC, the terms of help are too tough, and EU finance must be directed to help economic and employment growth.
  • 07.05.2010 Press release

    ETUC calls to fight financial speculation by mobilising the force of Europe acting together

    Brussels, 07/05/2010 Says John Monks, general secretary of the ETUC: "Europe saved the banks. Social system and fair labour standards are as important, even more important, as the banks and should not be allowed to be bankrupted by the speculators". To fight the fire of speculation with the fire of European unity, the ETUC urges the heads of governments to show the same courage and creativity as they did when saving the banks:
  • 06.05.2010 Press release

    ITUC and ETUC condemn murders in Athens

    Brussels, 06/05/2010 “We trust that those responsible for this and the other acts of appalling violence yesterday will be brought to justice without delay,” said Guy Ryder and John Monks, general secretaries of the international and European trade union bodies.
  • 06.05.2010 Speech

    Congress of the Italian General Confederation of Labour (CGIL)

    Rimini, 06/05/2010 It is always a pleasure to visit Italy and a privilege to attend CGIL events, which are always held in nice places – the summer school in Chinciano Terme in Toscana and now this Congress, like the last, in the land of La Dolce Vita. I hope this Congress is a dolce experience.
  • 05.05.2010 Speech

    General Pan-Hellenic strike organized by the Greek General Confederation of Labour (GSEE) and Adedy

    Athens, 05/05/2010 I bring greetings and messages of solidarity from the 80 affiliates and 60 million members of the European Trade Union Confederation. Everyone in the ETUC knows the seriousness of the situation. Everyone appreciates that things must change. But everyone too knows that the response of the EU so far to the Greek crisis has been hesitant, clumsy, and now positively dangerous, not just to Greece but to Europe.