• 25.11.2010 Press release

    European Multinational's position on Vietnam wages "totally unacceptable", say ETUC and ITUC

    Brussels, 25/11/2010 John Monks said that the ETUC expected European companies to contribute to decent work and sustainable development in their host countries. He pointed out that the European Union (EU) had consistently pressed for sustainable development chapters to be included in Free Trade Agreements (FTA) with third countries in line with those objectives.
  • 16.11.2010 Press release

    Macro-Economic Dialogue: the social partners must be full players in the financial stability process

    Brussels, 16/11/2010 On the eve of an important Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN), John Monks commented: "The philosophy of the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) appears cutting expenditure, reducing debt, putting pressure on wages and social spending and making labour markets more flexible. Established gains by trade unions are widely under attack. A first step would be to involve the social partners from the countries concerned by austerity measures. We cannot be mere spectators."
  • 16.11.2010 Speech

    Macroeconomic Dialogue

    Brussels, 16/11/2010 President, colleagues, there is an old Irish joke that when a tourist asked a local the best way to Cork, the reply was “you don’t want to start from here”.
  • 15.11.2010 Speech

    Maiden speech (Lord Monks)

    London, 11/11/2010 My Lords, it is a pleasure to follow Lord Hannay in debate on diplomatic questions because of his immense knowledge and impressive experience of the world of diplomacy; but it is daunting too in that he is a hard act to follow. I myself lay claim to some experience, if not expertise, in this field. I work currently in Brussels as General Secretary of the European TUC. And the UK Representation there, inelegantly called UKREP, is generally admired as the classiest operation around town, even by the French!
  • 28.10.2010 Press release

    Single Market Act: "The battle goes on" says ETUC

    Brussels, 28/10/2010 There were plans, based on a recent report by ex Commissioner Mario Monti, for a regulation covering the whole of the single market specifying that fundamental rights, including the right to strike, must be respected. After a hard battle, there is no reference to a Monti type regulation, although there are references to ‘work in progress’ on the Charter of Fundamental Rights and the Posted Workers Directive.
  • 22.10.2010 Speech

    Solidarnosc 25th National Congress of Delegates

    Wroclaw, 22/10/2010 Janusz, friends, it is a pleasure to return to the Congress of Solidarnosc. Much has happened since my last visit to you in Szczecin. The world economy has had a heart attack, not fatal, not like the heart attack which killed Communism. But one which has inflicted great pain and suffering on most countries, and has exposed weaknesses in the construction of the European Union.
  • 15.10.2010 Press release

    ETUC urges EU Parliament to improve maternity protection

    Brussels, 15/10/2010 We want full payment of maternity leave for a period of at least 18 weeks, enhanced provisions on health and safety notably in terms of prevention and risk assessment, inclusion of domestic workers in the scope of the new directive and stronger provisions against dismissal of women during and after returning from maternity leave.
  • 12.10.2010 Press release

    ETUC Executive Committee: European Trade Unions meet in Brussels

    Brussels, 12/10/2010 The ETUC member organisations, meeting in the framework of the ETUC Executive Committee, will discuss the next steps in their action to put up a common front against austerity measures. ETUC General Secretary John Monks announced on 29 September that "this is just the beginning of the struggle, not the end".
  • 06.10.2010 Press release

    ETUC comment on Innovation

    Brussels, 06/10/2010 Said John Monks, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation: “{Innovation Europe will not come about without quality jobs, and recognising that all workers in all fields should be recognised as professionals capable of innovation and increased effectiveness and satisfaction. Raising the levels of skills and respect are crucial to this process. The ETUC will play its part in emphasising these aspects of the agenda issued today}.”