• 14.02.2011 Speech

    Macroeconomic Dialogue

    Brussels, 14/02/2011 - President, welcome this opportunity to become involved in the discussions which are leading to a new system of extended economic governance system in Europe. - This is a matter of the greatest importance for the future of the EU - Get it right and there is the prospect of a more highly integrated EU economy with fiscal co-ordination to match the single monetary policy of the euro area.
  • 14.02.2011 Press release

    ETUC tells Macro Economic Policy makers that the attack on wage is unfair and intolerable

    Brussels, 14/02/2011 It is deeply unfair now to shift the burden completely to wages and workers, while those that profited from speculation are free to go about their business as usual. The ETUC warns it will not accept a system of economic governance or a change in the European Treaty turning wages into the single instrument of adjustment.
  • 04.02.2011 Press release

    EU on a "collision course" with Social Europe and the autonomy of collective bargaining

    Brussels, 04/02/2011 The ETUC identifies the danger that cutting minimum wages and abolishing wage indexation systems in a few countries will only be the start of a process undermining wage formation systems and the bargaining position of workers and trade unions across the whole of Europe. The ETUC stresses that wage competition is a zero sum game; what some gain in the short run, others lose and, in the end, the whole of Europe suffers because demand is squeezed out of the internal market.
  • 03.02.2011 Press release

    United call for mandatory company reporting

    Brussels, 03/02/2011 The Global Reporting Initiative, the European Coalition for Corporate Justice, and the European Trade Union Confederation are making the calls as the Commission closes its consultation on non-financial disclosure by companies. [[Public consultation on disclosure of non-financial information by companies, European Commission, DG Internal Market, closed on 28 January 2011. http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/consultations/2010/non-financial_reporting_en.htm ]]
  • 28.01.2011 Press release

    Equal treatment must apply to all

    Brussels, 28/01/2011 In the chaotic proceedings of the European Parliament we are witnessing an attempt to adopt a Directive that could have serious consequences for the labour market and for European society. More specifically, whereas spokespersons claim to defend equal treatment, the Directive actually excludes certain groups of workers, namely: seasonal workers, workers posted from third countries, intra-group workers, and workers who arrive under a General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS).
  • 26.01.2011 Press release

    Tunisia: the ETUC denounces attacks against Tunisian Trade Union Organisation (UGTT)

    Brussels, 26/01/2011 The UGTT has been the target of attacks in several regions of the country. The ETUC draws attention to the fact that the Tunisian trade union federation has demonstrated a responsible attitude and that it is one of the main pillars of the democratic renewal in Tunisia. The ETUC and all its member organisations will continue to stand beside the UGTT and the Tunisian people who are fighting for a better future, democracy and social justice.
  • 24.01.2011 Press release

    Hungarian Presidency of the EU: ETUC meets its Hungarian affiliates

    Brussels, 24/01/2011 There was wide agreement on the need to urgently meet the Prime Minister of Hungary (and current President of the EU) to discuss the crisis and Europe’s response to it, along with the threat to Social Europe, the public sector and workers rights posed by the austerity and other measures in the EU. The ETUC will keep in close touch with the unions and plan further activities in Hungary.
  • 19.01.2011 Press release

    ETUC notes adoption of the Directive on cross-border healthcare by European Parliament

    Brussels, 19/01/2011 These improvements concern in particular: - The social and sanitary dimension of healthcare, particularly by complementing the legal basis of this directive, initially based solely on Article 114 relating to the internal market, with Article 168 relating to public health; - Patient safety and the guarantee that the reimbursement of healthcare costs incurred in another Member State shall be at the same level as that in their home country;
  • 19.01.2011 Speech

    Notes on European Solidarity and the Jobs Crisis

    Dublin, 19/01/2011 Thanks for the invitation to come back a second time to the IIEA. Last time, we were talking about referendums and treaties and the reasons for Ireland to vote yes to a European future. As someone who believes strongly in a European future, I am only grateful that Ireland does not have to have a referendum on Europe now, in relation to the current crisis. In fact, Ireland has had a great deal of support from the EU especially the liquidity funding from the ECB, but it is also taking heavy punishment from the EU and IMF.