Brussels, 10/10/2011
Financial sanctions linked to the Stability and Growth Pact would penalize regions and localities. Macroeconomic conditionalities are unacceptable. The result would undoubtedly be the impoverishment of the populations of the European Union and thus contrary to the basic principles of economic, social and territorial cohesion policy as reaffirmed in the Lisbon Treaty.
Brussels, 06/10/2011
The European Union and the ECB are waging punitive expeditions against countries that have failed to comply with the stability rules. Instead of following the path of solidarity and taking bold measures commensurate with the seriousness of the situation, it’s the short-term solution that holds sway. The recent measures imposed on Italy and Greece are oppressive. European decision-makers are persisting along a path that is forcing countries in difficulty down an infernal spiral.
Brussels, 28/09/2011
Today the European Parliament adopted a package of six legislative measures which will serve as a framework for budgetary decisions in each of the Eurozone member states.
Brussels, 25/08/2011
In the face of the turmoil disrupting the European economy and amplifying unemployment and the insecurity of work for millions of Europeans, European solidarity is necessary and urgent.
Brussels, 05/08/2011
Brutal austerity, as applied in the European bail outs, will not stop this but will actually make things even worse by undermining wages, jobs and the social security position of millions of workers.