• 23.03.2012 Press release

    A delegation of European trade union leaders meets with Chancellor Merkel

    Brussels, 23/03/2012 The trade unions are no longer the only ones to recognise and to assert that austerity does not work. The collateral effects of austerity such as downward pressure on wages and the attacks against the European social model must stop. The ubiquitous claim that the Welfare State impedes economic growth and competitiveness is unacceptable. It is ideology in the guise of pragmatism. The priority is quality employment and the need for a stimulus plan for sustainable growth.
  • 21.03.2012 Press release

    ETUC says no to a regulation that undermines the right to strike

    Brussels, 21/03/2012 Although the ETUC welcomes measures to improve the implementation of the Posting of Workers Directive, we consider that the new enforcement directive is too weak, in particular regarding the possibility to hold a contractor liable. President Barroso committed himself to take the necessary measures to fight social dumping. The proposals on the table are still very far from meeting this goal.
  • 20.03.2012 Press release

    The ETUC asks President Barroso if he will deliver on his promises

    Brussels, 20/03/2012 If the version of the Monti II Regulation circulated last week is adopted tomorrow, the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) will reject it. The ETUC cannot accept any attempt to undermine workers’ rights and social Europe. European workers expect the right to take collective action to be guaranteed without restriction. Neither economic freedoms nor competition rules can have priority over fundamental social rights. In case of conflict fundamental social rights shall take precedence.
  • 08.03.2012 Press release

    International women's day: equality cannot be just an empty word

    Brussels, 08/03/2012 Mrs Ségol will stress the fact that women in Europe have made progress, but will denounce the persistence of the unacceptable pay gap with men. She will confirm the European trade unions’ commitment to promoting gender equality and fighting inequalities. For the European trade union movement, equality cannot be just an empty word.
  • 08.03.2012 Press release

    EGYPT: Deep concerns on trade union freedoms

    Brussels, 08/03/2012 Following a discussion in the Executive Committee on 6-7 March, the ETUC demands European Commission to intervene urgently with the military government of Egypt to annul the 26 February sentence against Kamal Abbas, general coordinator of the Centre for Trade Union and Worker Services (CTUWS), which was unfairly sentenced, in absentia, to six months imprisonment for “insulting a public officer”.
  • 07.03.2012 Press release

    The ETUC Executive Committee adopts a declaration on Greece

    Brussels, 07/03/2012 Greece is being pushed to one of the deepest economic slumps in modern times, forecast to cumulatively reach wartime recession levels of 25%–30%. Sacrifices imposed on workers, pensioners and their families are without precedent in the post war period. With more than one million unemployed, nearly 30% of the population has shifted to below the poverty line. Nearly a quarter of a million people rely on relief work for a daily meal.
  • 23.02.2012 Press release

    European Trade Union Action Day : 27 countries in action for employment and social justice

    Brussels, 23/02/2012 The effects of the financial, economic and social crisis have reached unbearable levels in several countries. Faced with the extreme seriousness of the situation, European leaders are making the race for austerity their priority response. The crisis serves as a ready-made pretext to attack the European social model, justify cuts in wages and public services, weaken social protection, make the labour market hyperflexible, and attack trade union rights.