• 20.02.2013 Press release

    EU needs real social investments

    Brussels, 20/02/2013 The Social Investment Package is an important contribution to the debate on the social dimension of Europe and the ETUC welcomes the approach of reshaping EU governance. The Europe 2020 targets must be monitored to ensure that member states and the EU truly follow a common path to secure economic growth and social progress and cohesion. Social partners can make important contributions to achieve this.
  • 12.02.2013 Speech

    EU-South Africa dialogue on Just Transition, Green and Decent Jobs

    Johannesburg, 12-13/02/2013 Check against delivery I am pleased and honoured to be invited to participate in bilateral discussions with South African unions and political actors on the important topic of Just Transition, Green and Decent Jobs. Your country and your trade union movement have for ever marked history. You continue to fight for equality, decent work and decent wages. You support campaigns to eliminate HIV here in South Africa but also in solidarity with neighbouring countries.
  • 07.02.2013 Press release

    The European Trade Union Confederation supports the call for a general strike by General Tunisian Workers' Union in reaction to the assassination of Chokri Belaid

    Brussels, 07/02/2013 Just a few days before his death, Chokri Belaid had denounced attempts to destabilise the State through violence and the machinations of obscure militias. The State did nothing to protect his life, although it should have done so, because Chokri Belaid had been receiving threats for a long time. It was no secret to anyone.
  • 06.02.2013 Press release

    67 cents a day to ensure a future for both people and planet

    Brussels, 06/02/2013 On February 8th Member States will finalise their negotiations on the next Multi Annual Financial Framework. They must agree on a budget that will meet the challenges represented by the current crisis: growing inequality, persisting poverty within Europe and beyond, food insecurity, ecosystem collapse and resource constraints, unsustainable growth, global competition, ageing of the population, technological change and the transition towards a low carbon economy.
  • 06.02.2013 Press release

    The European Union needs a budget for growth and jobs

    Brussels, 06/02/2013 Unfortunately it seems easier for the European Council to adopt austerity plans than to adopt a satisfactory Multiannual Financial Framework for the period 2014-2020. Like the European Parliament, ETUC insists that a Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) must be based on a compromise but also on a “fair deal”. In times of crisis and high unemployment rates the EU budget should not be reduced.
  • 01.02.2013 Speech

    Meeting of the Employment Committee with Social Partners on wage developments

    Brussels, 01/02/2013 Check against delivery Dear chair, ladies and gentlemen and friends. I would like to thank the chair for giving me the floor and for organising this meeting. Despite much reticence among ETUC members regarding the desirability of a European level tripartite discussion on wage developments, the ETUC agreed that we should participate in this exploratory meeting.
  • 30.01.2013 Speech

    Closing speech of Bernadette Ségol – High-level conference - ETUC 40th anniversary #ETUC40 - Celebrating the past looking to the future

    Madrid, 28/01/2013 I want to thank, very warmly, all the high level representatives of EU institutions, the politicians who honored ETUC with their presence and comments, and to also thank, very warmly, all the high level trade unionists from the various countries and the members in this room for discussing, for listening to the problems that we, as a trade union, are facing.
  • 29.01.2013 Press release

    ETUC condemns Government strike breaking in Greece

    Brussels, 29/01/2013 The legislation, which has scarcely ever been invoked since the collapse of Greece's military dictatorship in 1974 and can lead to terms of imprisonment of up to five years, has now been used against striking metro workers in Athens.
  • 28.01.2013 Press release

    A new visual identity for the European Trade Union Movement

    Brussels, 28/01/2013 The new logo will be unveiled officially to mark the anniversary of the ETUC , celebrated today at the High Level Conference in Madrid. The Confederation’s mission is made explicitly clear by the highlighting of two words: Trade Union and Europe. The A and the E evoke ancient Greece, a reference to the origin of the word “Europe” and the dynamic image of trade unionism is also maintained. This logo will be easy to use and will immediately identify the nature of our organisation.