• 20.06.2013 Press release

    Conclusions of the June Council: an empty text, far from their promises, far from our expectations?

    Brussels, 20/06/2013 The European Council of December 2012 announced a roadmap that would deal in particular, with the social dimension of economic and monetary union, including the social dialogue. The draft conclusions that have been leaked completely ignore the objective that had been set by the EU 27. The text has a hollow wording and proposes nothing new or concrete. The demand for structural reforms, on the other hand, is back on track as an act of faith.
  • 18.06.2013 Press release

    Latvia – the next stop on the ETUC "Tour of EU Capitals"

    Brussels, 18/06/2013 The need for a strong social dimension in the EU, the urgency for a European recovery plan and the fight against unemployment - in particular Youth Unemployment - will be the joint message from Patrick Itschert , ETUC Deputy General Secretary and the President of the Free Trade Union Confederation of Latvia (LBAS) to the Latvian Prime Minister.
  • 18.06.2013 Press release

    Meeting with President Hollande: Social Europe must be the priority at the next European Council

    Brussels, 18/06/2013 The June European Summit is of paramount importance for the future of the European project. In this respect, the ETUC has embarked on a series of meetings with European decision-makers to insist on the urgent need for a European recovery and investment plan geared to job creation and the fight against unemployment, particularly among young people. The meeting with François Hollande, President of the French Republic, is crucial. France can play a key role in bringing about a change in current policies, as the ETUC advocates.
  • 17.06.2013 Press release

    The ETUC joins Turkish trade union calls for an end to violence

    Brussels, 17/06/2013 Bernadette Ségol, General Secretary of the ETUC said: “The increasingly authoritarian response by the Turkish Government against people’s legitimate grievances is a cause for deep concern. Sending in the army can only make matters worse. Turkey has expressed its European vocation and is a member of the Council of Europe. It must act accordingly.”
  • 12.06.2013 Press release

    The Unions' response to closing down ERT –public television and radio broadcasting – is a 24-hour general strike. The GSEE and the ETUC express solidarity with ERT employees.

    Brussels, 12/06/2013 We call upon working people to express their solidarity with ERT employees who were dismissed overnight and protest against the decision outside the ERT premises. Trade unions together with Greek society, which is suffering under the painful and unilateral austerity measures imposed by the Greek government, were caught unaware by the shock announcement. They denounce this unprecedented authoritarian and anti-democratic decision as a “coup d’ état”.
  • 11.06.2013 Press release

    The ETUC's social dimension for the European Union to be promoted in Greece

    Brussels, 11/06/2013 For 3 years Greece has been subjected to harsh austerity measures leading to among others dramatic cuts in wages, social provisions and pension benefits which are violating its international obligations. It is a clear signal to the Greek authorities and in particular, to the European Commission and the European Central Bank, as well as the International Monetary Fund, that austerity does not work.
  • 11.06.2013 Press release

    The ETUC supports the EFBWW Action Day on the Enforcement Directive

    Brussels, 11/06/2013 The action is focusing on the compromise proposals for the “Enforcement Directive” which are currently being discussed in the European Parliament. If some of these amendments were to be adopted, the risk of the re-introduction of the country-of-origin principle, initiating a race-to-the-bottom in Europe in terms of working conditions for cross-border workers, will become reality. - More information on the EFBWW day of action: http://www.efbww.org/default.asp?Index=875&Language=EN
  • 07.06.2013 Speech

    High Noon for Social Europe - Opening speech by David Begg General Secretary ICTU

    Dublin, 05-06/06/2013 Check against delivery It is a great pleasure to welcome this Mid-Term Conference of the ETUC to Dublin. The conference theme ‘High Noon for Social Europe’ is well chosen. The self-defeating impact of austerity on growth, when interest rates are close to zero, must be evident to all but the most irredentist liberal ideologues.
  • 06.06.2013 Press release

    The ETUC Tour of EU capitals continues: Bernadette Ségol to meet the Prime Ministers of Belgium and Luxembourg

    Brussels, 06/06/2013 Bernadette Ségol, General Secretary of the ETUC and the leaders of the Belgian trade unions FGTB, CSC, CGCSB will meet Elio Di Rupo, Prime Minister of Belgium, in the morning. The “Tour” will move to Luxembourg in the afternoon where Bernadette Ségol and the President of OGBL and LCGB will meet Jean-Claude Juncker, Prime Minister of Luxembourg and Jean Asselborn, Minister of Foreign Affairs.
  • 05.06.2013 Press release

    Trade Union leaders call for major investment to kick-start recovery and job growth

    Dublin 05/06/2013 Congress General Secretary David Begg and the General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation, Bernadette Ségol have jointly called for a new European Recovery Programme to focus on job creation and the promotion of the European Social Model, as a priority. The joint call comes ahead of the European Trade Union Confederation’s (ETUC) mid-term conference in Dublin, on June 5-6, under the theme: High Noon for Social Europe.
  • 05.06.2013 Press release

    Turkey: the ETUC Executive Committee condemns the police's disproportionate use of force

    Brussels, 05/06/2013 This current repression brings to mind a similar reaction against a rally, held in Taksim Square on 1 May, celebrating Labour Day as was the case in many other places around the world. The ETUC supports those who are fighting for the respect of democratic social and trade union rights and against creeping authoritarianism in Turkey. The ETUC Executive Committe calls on the Turkish Government to respect fundamental international rights and the European Charter of Fundamental Rights.