• 03.05.2024 News

    World Press Freedom Day 2024

    Press Freedom
    On World Press Freedom Day, the ETUC and the EFJ stand in solidarity with journalists and media workers everywhere and reaffirm our commitment to defending press freedom across Europe. 
  • 30.04.2024 Speech

    Statement from the General Secretary on International Workers’ Day 2024

    1 May - Esther
    Dear colleagues, I am happy to contact you on the eve of the 2024 International Workers’ Day – in a crucial time for workers and their trade unions.  This is the first International Workers’ Day since the Berlin Congress and celebration of the 50 years of the ETUC in and since our common demand for a fair deal for workers. 
  • 30.04.2024 News

    Winning a workers’ Europe

    1 May
    This International Workers’ Day, all eyes are on Europe. As we celebrate the bonds of friendship between workers and the collective power we have through our trade unions we also look ahead to the EU elections.
  • 26.04.2024 Press release

    Heat deaths at work up by 40% in the EU

    The number of people dying at work due to extreme heat is increasing faster in the European Union than any other part of the world, new data shows ahead of International Workers’ Memorial Day. According to estimates provided to the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) by the International Labour Organisation (ILO), 80,800 people suffered injuries at work due to heat exposure in 2020 and 67 people died as a result of working in extreme heat. 
  • 24.04.2024 Press release

    Workers’ rights secured throughout the supply chain

    Human rights due diligence
    Today marks a historic day for workers' rights and corporate accountability as the European Parliament adopts the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive. This directive is a historic breakthrough, heralding a new era of accountability and liability for businesses operating within the EU. The milestones include:
  • 24.04.2024 Press release

    European Parliament gives bogus self-employment the boot

    platform work
    In a historic move, the European Parliament has today adopted the Platform Work Directive, a major victory for millions of people working through digital platforms. This directive ensures that they will finally obtain minimum wages, sick pay, and other essential employment safeguards. Key Provisions:
  • 23.04.2024 Press release

    Tax the rich to meet new fiscal rules

    Politicians who have supported strict new spending rules must have the courage to tax wealthy corporations making record profits – and not make struggling workers pay through new austerity measures.  The European Parliament today voted in favour of fiscal rules which mean that member states will need to cut their budgets by over 100 billion Euro a year from 2027 or raise the equivalent amount through tax.
  • 22.04.2024 Press release

    New fiscal rules unfit for future and leave workers and citizens behind

    Open letter of Belgian, French, Italian and Spanish trade unions to MEPs ahead of the vote of the fiscal rules on Tuesday 23 April, 2024 The new fiscal rules will make the necessary transformation of our societies impossible, leaving workers and citizens behind at a time when they need protection more than ever.
  • 17.04.2024 Press release

    Letta report overshadowed by misplaced arguments on gold-plating

    workers building a tram
    Reacting to Letta’s much-anticipated report, the ETUC warns against attempts to apply ‘over-transposition’ arguments to employment directives. The generalised criticism of ‘gold-plating’, i.e. the ability of governments to go above and beyond in the transposition of EU directives, should not be applied to employment directives as it risks limiting the ability of national governments and social partners to lift labour standards at national level. 
  • 17.04.2024 Press release

    Fight against poverty is election priority, poll shows

    Poverty, public services and jobs are the issues that citizens want to see prioritised during the European election campaign, the new Eurobarometer shows.  The European Parliament’s poll of 26,000 citizens asked: “Which of the following topics should be discussed as a matter of priority during the electoral campaign for the next European Parliament elections?” The top three responses were: 
  • 16.04.2024 Press release

    La Hulpe supports social progress not deregulation

    The future of the European Union should be built on social progress – including quality jobs and fair pay and conditions – and not lower standards, it has been agreed today at the La Hulpe summit organised by the Belgian presidency.  The declaration on the Future of the European Pillar of Social Rights - signed by the ETUC, the EU institutions, the European Economic and Social Committee, business groups SME United and SGIEurope, and Social Platform – states: 
  • 12.04.2024 Press release

    EU poll shows MEPs must reject austerity 2.0

    The results of the newly released EU poll on social Europe show why the European Parliament should reject proposed fiscal rules that would reimpose austerity.  The Eurobarometer released today shows nine in ten European citizens say a social Europe is of personal importance to them, with wages and healthcare featuring high among their priorities. 
  • 11.04.2024 Press release

    ECB must accept there is no wage-price spiral

    Responding to the decision to maintain interest rates at record high levels, ETUC General Secretary Esther Lynch said: “High interest rates mean ordinary people are paying for an inflation crisis fueled by corporate profiteering. “The policy is designed to penalise workers whose purchasing power declined significantly during the recent inflation surge and which are only beginning to catch up now.
  • 10.04.2024 Press release

    Migration pact couldn’t be further from solidarity

    Responding to the vote on the migration and asylum pact, ETUC Confederal Secretary Giulio Romani said: “The people saying this deal will ‘increase solidarity’ can’t know the meaning of the word. “It will see more people fleeing wars, extreme poverty and, increasingly, climate disasters, being treated as prisoners.  “And it will inevitably lead to an increase in abuses of fundamental rights, illegal pushbacks, and returns to unsafe countries. 
  • 08.04.2024 Press release

    Study: Fiscal rules stop new schools and hospitals 

    The majority of EU member states will not be able to meet their targets for investment in schools, hospitals and housing under plans for new economic governance rules, a study for the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) has found.  
  • 04.04.2024 Press release

    MEPs: Give workers a real voice in multinationals

    The employment committee of the European Parliament today voted in favour of upholding workers' rights and social dialogue in multinational companies.  The report by MEP Dennis Radtke (EPP) on amendments to the European Works Council (EWC) Directive was adopted by an overwhelming majority (28 in favour/ 7 against/ 8 abstentions).  This is good news, as the EWC Directive needs to be reviewed to ensure the effective exercise of workers’ rights of information and consultation on company decisions. 
  • 23.03.2024 News

    New impulse for peace needed

    council logo
    Reacting to the European Council Conclusions, published today, on security and defence, the ETUC calls for a redoubling of efforts for peace. The ETUC is deeply concerned with the current state of peace and security in Europe and the world, along with the extraordinary growth in the number of wars and violent conflicts.
  • 21.03.2024 Press release

    Report: Pay still not keeping up with prices

    The living standards of European workers have still not recovered from the cost-of-living crisis, a major new trade union report on the state of the European economy has found. The real compensation of workers in the EU, which represents pay after inflation is taken into account, fell by 0.7% in 2023, according to Benchmarking Working Europe 2024, the European Trade Union Institute’s flagship annual report. 
  • 20.03.2024 Press release

    Clarity needed to end the scandal of unpaid traineeships

    Young workers need certainty that the Directive on Traineeships, proposed today by the European Commission, will effectively ban unpaid internships.  The European Parliament has voted a number of times for unpaid traineeships to be banned – trade unions now call on Members of the European Parliament to ensure that measure is included in the final directive.
  • 18.03.2024 Press release

    EU loses almost a million manufacturing jobs in just 4 years

    The increasingly rapid de-industrialisation of Europe is laid bare by new trade union research which finds almost a million manufacturing jobs have been lost over the last four years.   An analysis of Eurostat data by the European Trade Union Institute has found that the number of people employed in manufacturing has fallen by 853,000 since the third quarter of 2019. 
  • 18.03.2024 News

    A Chained Revolution - A video documentary on due diligence and subcontracting

    Cover Documentary Unchained Revolution
    Today, many companies use legal loopholes, making human rights violations the norm rather than the exception in supply chains around the world. It leaves the victims of crimes committed by these companies – workers and communities – trapped in a legal maze seeking justice. Workers are raising their voices, demanding a role in securing supply chains. 
  • 11.03.2024 Press release

    Platform work: trade unions win for millions of workers

    Ludovic Voet outside European Commission
    Millions of people working through digital platforms are set to finally obtain minimum wages, sick pay and other employment protections following the adoption of the platform work directive today by EU member states.  Trade unions were successful in including the presumption of employment with the reversal of the burden of proof. Instead of individual workers going through lengthy court processes to prove they are a worker, it will now be up to the platform corporations to prove they are not employees.