Although recent Italian government policies have driven refugees away from the country’s shores, nonetheless over 22,000 people have already arrived by sea this year.
Some 65,000 Italian workers are involved in immigration services including rescue, reception and integration. According to Italian union FP CGIL, which organises in the public sector, many suffer difficult working conditions, poor organisation and stress, not to mention anti-immigrant stigmatisation.
Following research on 'The condition of workers and workers of public services for immigration', Italian unions, together with Spain’s CC.OO and European confederation EPSU, have launched a Europe-wide network to support workers involved in assisting migrants, with a statement agreed in Palermo, Sicily.
A video highlights the many areas covered – education, health, social assistance and much more. But interviews with Italian workers reveal a lack of investment in training together with a high risk of burn-out. The network will also provide a platform to discuss migration laws at national and EU levels.