A new three-year agreement between trade unions CFDT, CFE-CGC, CGT, FO and Legrand, the French electrical products and systems specialist which employs 5,500 people in France, adds protection for LGBT+ employees, training on workplace equality, and a new procedure for reporting sexist behaviour. Existing anti-discrimination measures will be strengthened to promote “the inclusion of all employees”.
“It is a shared ambition – we wanted inclusion to be part of the agreement without it taking precedence over equality in the workplace. The aim is also to advance attitudes within the group on these subjects,” explained Olivier Ten of the CGT, who welcomed the text as a step forward.
The agreement means that LGBT+ people and those “whose gender identity is not based on the traditional binary approach of men and women” have the same rights as other employees regarding conjugality and parenthood. The partners will work with the Legrand Rainbow Network, launched in 2020 and comprising more than 300 employees.
Another new feature is a reporting procedure for victims of so-called “non-compliant” conduct, such as discrimination, sexist behaviour, moral or sexual harassment. Individuals may also receive medical and psychological support. The agreement reinforces assistance for victims of domestic violence, and introduces anti-discrimination, diversity and inclusion training for new managers.
Legrand has also signed a telework agreement that came into force in April, extending teleworking opportunities to two days per week, plus additional flexibility for workers who are parents, caregivers, aged over 58 or with disabilities.
Photo - Sharon McCutcheon