Opening of the registration - Power to Union Youth! Camp edition 23-26 May 2024 in Germany
Lake Constance (Markelfingen)
Brussels, 8 April 2024
To: Members of the Youth Committee
Dear colleagues,
I would like to inform you that there are still a few reimbursed places available at our youth camp.
Together with DGB Youth and FES, we are working on an exciting program that will strengthen our electoral message and the youth's voice in the trade union movement.
The available places will be assigned on a first-come first-served basis and are available also for organisations that have already registered their delegation.
We remain at your disposal for any further questions,
Kind regards,
Tea Jarc
Confederal Secretary
Brussels, 23 February 2024
To: Members of the Youth Committee
Dear all,
With this email, we would like to open the registration for our second edition of the international event - Power to Union Youth that we co-organise with DGB Youth and support of FES.
This year's edition will take place from 23-26 May 2024 at a campsite on the shore of Lake Constance (Markelfingen), Germany.
Following up on our manifesto and given the realistic threat of the far-right political forces making gains across Europe, the focus of the camp will be on mobilisation for the European Elections.
Program and Logistics
The closest airport is Zurich International Airport from where the camp can be reached by train (stop over in Konstanz).
Arrivals at the camp are foreseen on Thursday 23 May in the late afternoon. Departures from the camp are foreseen for Sunday 26th May morning.
Participants will be accommodated in pre-built tents with beds, but they will be required to bring sleeping bags. (Women-only tents will be available)
Food (breakfast-lunch-dinner) will be provided at the venue for all participants according to the program.
There are shared toilets and showers at the campsite.
The interactive program will be a mix of plenary sessions and activist-led workshops. Please find attached the draft schedule for your information.
Organisations that are interested in hosting a workshop should indicate so in the registration form.
Participants and Registrations
ETUC member organisations can register two participants requiring reimbursements (man-only delegations will not be taken into consideration!).
Register here before the 22nd of March 2024.
Additional people can be registered and might be confirmed after the registration deadline depending on availability.
The registration is open to all members of the youth committee and young trade union members and activists involved in communication and campaigning.
Participants will be confirmed on a rolling basis.
Travel for confirmed participants will be reimbursed according to the EU project rules. Please read carefully the document attached.
Accommodation and food will be provided by the organisers.
Travel costs will be reimbursed to the participant’s bank account after the event. Therefore the following documents have been sent to the ETUC by post:
- The reimbursement form signed by the participant
- The travel justification document:
- For air travel : all boarding passes (outward and return journeys for each part of the trip). Electronic boarding passes are accepted if they show the QR code.
- Bus or Train travel: the outward and return journey bus or train e-ticket.
- Car travel (for a one-way itinerary of up to 400km): A signed statement mentioning the following elements: name of the event you attended; towns of departure and arrival; car plate number; persons travelling with you if any.
We encourage participants to register as soon as possible to secure good rates for their travel arrangements.
ATTENTION: Due to limited financial resources, we strongly encourage organisations – whenever possible – to cover for the travel expenses for participants themselves in solidarity with smaller ETUC member organisations.
This will allow ETUC, DGB Youth & FES to bringing together a large number of international participants.
For any additional questions, you can contact Lucie Susova ([email protected]) and Niklas Franke ([email protected]).
This event will be an important part of the trade union campaign for Fair Deal for Workers and I hope to see you in Germany in numbers.
Kind regards
Tea Jarc
Confederal Secretary